With all the world has to offer in treatments, there s nothing like treating your own pain from the comfort of your own home.

Perhaps you have a condition such as:
- Arthritis
- Herniated disc
- Degenerative disc
- Bulging disc
- Thinning disc
- Spondolythesis
- Osteoarthritis
- Spinal Stenosis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Curvature
- Muscle Pain
- Joint pain
- Facet joints
- Nerve damage
- Spondylosis
- Sheuermann’s disease
Maybe while at work you were lifting something heavy, and busted you lower back. I think you see the point, I know you’re urging me to stop. Whatever your case may be, there is a way to on how to treat lower back pain at home.
Quick fact: Lower back pain is the SECOND most common reason people like you and I visit either:
- The doctors
- Chiropractors office
- Physical Therapist
Here’s where it can get tricky…
“Do you know how to not only assess but progress to find a solution?”
Likely not.
What most people do not know is how to asses their own pain, and they are really not expected to.
But, It’s after the assessment stage where most mistakes happen.In most instances your pain can get better but it doesn’t provide a longer, and productive solution with the big three I listed above.
31 million people a year visit the doctors. Do I hear an extra medical bill?
Undeniably, there are ways to approach the situation just like these…
If you feel numbness, sensation in you legs, or a form of weakness, then it’s absolutely time you call your doctor. I want to highly encourage you to click and watch the following link from Spine-Health that explains when it’s time to see your doctor.
You should seek medical advice if your pain last longer than two weeks for a better diagnosis. Otherwise, do yourself a favor and save yourself from the high cost that will rack up in a short amount of time, and instead treat your lower back pain at home.
When your lower back pain is low, mild, chronic, and sciatic, you are not limited on the most natural ways to remove your lower back pain, so it’s only righteous to feel like you can practice and perfect from the solace of your own home.
In my article, I will show you the 10 best ways to relieve and help cure your lower back pain from doing the most basic routines, and finally put a stamp on how to treat a lower back pain at home.
How Your Diagnosis Sets It Off, A Rocket In The Opposite Direction
The moral of today’s visit is to not only focus on one type of lower back pain, but on how to treat a lower back pain at home.
I want to first start by showing you the progression from a fresh wounded lower back pain/inflammation to examining if its low, mild, chronic, or sciatic. This I hope will shine some light.
Low(otherwise known as acute) back pain can be detected when some following effects occur:
- Muscle Strains. Pain, swelling, bruising, limited mobility.. Like Muscle strains, but without muscle spasms.
- Lumbar Strain. The Muscle Fibers are awkwardly stretched or torn. Same symptoms as Muscle strains.
You will want to see this short under a minute video that shows you exactly what has happened to your back.For Muscle Strains and Sprains You’ll want to see this short under a minute video:
If you want to understand the difference between the two more closely, I advise you see this video:
Now that you understand the effect of having a muscle strain, and a lumbar sprain, lets reverse engineer to the past and figure out how you caused this pain to happen.
Leading Evidence To Your Causes, An Investigation To Keep Your Eyes On
- For Muscle Strains there had to be a cause. I want to show you the activities or events that led up to your strain with these:
- moderate to intense exercise
- lifting a heavy object. Could be sudden, or repetitive use
- twisting and bending
- excess pressure to your spin
- injury or accident
- sitting for a long time
- exercising. Sports, weights.
- weak abdominal muscles
- poor Posture
- curved back
- overweight
What if I told you there was a simple treatment you can start off with?
If I knew better the day I had my very first back pain, I WISH I would have done this simple thing. It’s NOT sitting on the couch, which I am sorry to break it to you.
Rather so…
ICE, ICE, and…ICE!
The very first thing you need to do RIGHT AWAY is ice the area that you are in pain. The soft tissues in you lower back, are either:
- strained
- torn
…And as a result the area will become inflamed. Now while on the subject…
Inflammation occurs when blood reaches an injured tissue to heal it. The ice will help reduce inflammation to begin with. You’ll want to ice for a short amount of time for certain time window. Ice for 20 minutes and and off for a 48 hours.
You will want to ice a fresh injury as soon as possible. If ice in a bag is the closest thing you have, then you can stick with that but for a shorter amount of time. The reason I say that is because Ice has the potential to bring pain signals to your nerves, and up to your brain from the cold. It just causes more discomfort than anything, and that right there is not productive. What you will want to do is Ice for 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off. 3 times a day for the next 48 hours.
The options you have for cold therapy are not limited. There is so much out there that you can get lost, but I am here to help. I’ve tried it all. Some work better than others.
Here is what you can do that works better in the long run:
*Note: If you continue to experience muscles spasms after a 1-3 week period this is what you need to do:
Recommendation: Visit your doctor for further evaluation.
2. Lumbar Strain
The lumbar strain is a cause of the same activities you would find with a muscle strain. This type of injury can happen to anyone. Ranging from athletes to day to day activities people do.
Athletes such as football players, and rugby players can ave a sudden impact. When you back becomes improperly used, or if there was trauma, this is the result:
It is important to note that this injury is common among anyone at any age but most common in adults 40 and over. Understand forces, and you would know why…
The greater the force, the larger the impact( a simple lesson in physics, thank you professor sanchez). Apply this kind of thinking whenever you are doing an activity, and understand the pressure of impact and tension you are placing on your lower back.
Follow the same procedure as you would for a muscle sprain. ICE, ICE, and…ICE. The longer you ice the sooner you will be free from inflammation and pain. Once again, you will want to ice for 20 minutes on and off the next 48 hours.
A Step Is A Stride Away, Be the Tortoise Not The Hair
Faster steps in this case does not always ensure a speedier recovery.Not all inflammation acts the same. Some swelling and heating takes more time than others. Whether you started healing the minute you got hurt vs icing hours and days later is the most important factor. And here is why.
When you start to ice immediately, you can expect the swelling to decrease greatly before the 48 hours are over.
What if you waited hours, or days? It could take more time to ice, and the returns are not rewarding..
Healing in the later steps can cause your pain to actually get worse. It can prolong your recovery time, and can cause you to level up, not in a positive way, unless you consider chronic pain a better level.
What do I know?:
I am speaking from experience when I say this too. I remember my very first back ache. I should had taken things down a different road.
It was at my soccer game when I encountered his pain for the first time. It was late afternoon when my game had ended, and I left with a hurt back. What started off as mild lower back pain turned events quickly.
The next thing I needed was to ice, and right away. But being ignorant when I was younger, guess what? I did not. And so I drove home for the next 25 minutes without stopping for ice.
This time frame was important because I was sitting in a vehicle restricted to movement. I opened my car door to get out, and when I did it was evident my back was going to be an issue. Still, I did not do step number one, ice, but I did lay down on the bed for like 20 minutes. One hour passed by, and I finally placed some ice on the inflamed area. 20 minutes on…And no more.
I laid in bed, and after sleeping for what was 3 hours I woke up with back pain. I tossed and I turned. I stood up to place my cold compression pack, as well as some CREAMS. The inflamed area had spread because it did not heal for enough time.
It took an extra 6-7 hours from the 48-hour time frame to reduce inflammation!
Heat Therapy Is What Your Brain Craves For, “OOH AHHH”
Do you all make that face when you hear or feel the heat? OK, I might not be alone 🙂
Once your 48-82 hour time frame of icing is done, what do you do now?This is an all too common question I receive on a daily basis. Here’s how I go about answering that.
You shouldn’t stop after your swelling has gone down.
At this point you will want to apply heat therapy. Heat applies a couple of purposes. It brings blood rushing down and into the blood vessels of the muscles, and it supplies it back with its nutrients, and oxygen to heal damaged tissue. I can explain this more, along with the do’s and don’ts but that will be its on separate article in time.
Heat therapy will be able to cause your inflammation to stay at bay, and help relieve your sensory receptors in your brain. The touch of a warm substance helps alleviate your mind and any discomfort. There is a certain amount of time I use, and I want to share that with you.
When I apply Heat(this was PT approved) I usually will heat for 20 minutes. The minimum amount you can do is 15 minutes, and make 20 minutes. Through my own experience I noticed that using heat in the form of a pad or bath works the best for me. Let me list a couple that I know about:
Whichever one you decide to go with will be a viable option. Your pain could differentiate from someone else too…
If you have acute pain my suggestion is to use something more inexpensive than it already is. Such as a heating pad, or a setting up a quick Luke warm bath will work just fine. When my back flares up from time to time, I make it a point to get in the tub for at least 20 minutes when I can(Usually this is possible after exercise). I would go with any other option but less in this case is more.
For chronic lower back pain I will suggest the same resources, but if your pain comes to the point where at every time, and all parts of the day you feel it, stick with contemporary treatments, and try baths, longer duration heat pads, and any heat that will last for at least 1-2 hours. This way you can rely on a constant heat source.
Lesson of the day: time doesn’t wait on you, don’t wait on time.
Now back to you. After this 48-hour time frame, you will want to continue low impact daily activities. Walk you dog, do the bed, cook, and even do some laundry. Watch you posture at home. Walk around with you back straight. Certain circumstances might prevent that such as when you are icing, lay in a fixed position.
Not that you are more mobile, you will want to find the time to apply heat to your back. I suggest for the optimal results, you take a warm bath, or a simply warm shower will work best. Follow these and you will be back to your old self.
Do I Continue With Heat?
You might be asking, well do I continue with heat therapy? The answer will vary from person to person. You should continuously use heat through your acute, and especially chronic , and sciatic pain. This will relax your muscles, and give you the flexibility to do the tasks you need to do. Usually a combination of heat and this next solution works best together.
Try Yoga
Depending on your level of pain, you will be restricted to, or you will be available to stretch without harm right away. See your doctor first before progressing.
Yoga will work best for any pain, and it is the most recommended and natural solution.
There are many types of yoga, and many different stretches that ones will work better for you. Iyengar is a good yoga to start with. It focuses on aligning your spine, and holds poses for a longer time.
There is one I recommend above any for lower back:
Vinyasa Therapy. This type of style focus on breathing, meditating, strengthens, and brings stability to you. You will focus on your movements within every posture. The thing about this style of yoga is that’s it’s great for those who struggle with lower back pain consistently, and have had chronic pain for over 2 months.
Regular heat is comforting and it is a quick solution, but yoga can bring back life to your core, and muscles. You’ll notice your posture change right away.
Look Out For Your Options
What else could there possibly be added on how to treat a back pain at home? OH Gosh, you wouldn’t believe how many more…
If you have acute pain that last for more than several weeks, or if you had chronic pain to begin with you can try some of the following:
- Keep Moving. Keep your back mobile by exercising, walking you dog, riding a bike, swimming.
- Be strong. Work on your abdominal muscles, strengthen them, and work on your hip and pelvis.
- Be ergonomically friendly. Set up your work space so you wouldn’t have to be hunching. Use desk chairs that allow your back to be supported.
- Eat well. Support yourself with a good diet.
- Over the counter pain relievers
- Tens Machines
- Hot tubs
- Sleeping pillows
- New Mattress
- Sleep Better
- Stretch
- Meditate
- Creams
…and more.
Once you’ve used ice and heat, you should follow these steps to keep your back happy:
1. Try oils and ointments
There are many topicals/analgesics along with oils and ointments that will ease your lower back pain by blocking the sensation. Here’s an example:
Ex: The ingredient capscasin in a cream brings the heat to your area of pain to fight off the even most powerful chronic pain. It’s known for treating:
- osteoarthritis
- rheumatoid arthritis
- fibromyalgia
- joint pains
Other ingredients you should look for include:
- cayenne
- turmeric
- arnica
- ibuprofen
- boswelia
- peppermint
In high school I performed a study in my chemistry class, when people are in pain what molecules when bonded together help fight that pain. And my group found that lavender essential oil or ointments that blended cayenne peppers with acupressure worked great.
Along with a special cream I use for my joints, I do use essential oils. Sometimes I’ll infuse them with other agents, but by itself works for me right now. I’ve been on lavender a lot lately, and it works great!
CBD Oil:
Medicine is expanding and growing faster than we can say the word health, seriously! Specifically, alternative medicine is becoming a huge part of every citizens household. The majority of us still are unaware of the significant effects that an alternative remedy can do for our:
- Mind
- Body
- Spirit
I’ve been closely following alternative medicine for the past 4 years now, and from what I can tell you-there is HUGE hope. The reason I say this is that for one these remedies are not hazardous, and addicting. If you use opioids, NSAIDs, and acetaminophen, you know far too well how loopy they will make you feel during your day.
So how can you counteract their usage? There’s one other way to block pain signals from reaching your brain receptors and giving you a therapeutic(nephropathy) feeling, and it’s called CBDs.
A CBD or also known as cannabinoid is an extracted chemical from a a plant that will give you natural healing properties without the effects of feeling “high”.
It works great to block your sciatic nerve from sending its signals up to your brain. If you’d like to learn about where cbd comes from and what it is in more detail, see here.
How is CBD different than opioids?:
For one, you are not masking your pain with side effect chemicals like those found in painkillers. Rather you are attracting compounds and compounds of natural herbal and essential oil chemicals that carry the natural release of stress and pain you feel. It works great during a day, evening, or night at home…
but if you asked me, It’s preferred use is on a night of sleep. In addition to combating the use of opioids, we have an awesome article on how cbd is related and used for your back right here.that, just click here.
2. Get a massage
If you gently massage a sore or tense muscle, then you can effectively loosen it up and relieve your pain. I quickly learned that massage with other traditional treatments work the best in :
- reducing lower back pain
- lessens the use of ant-inflammatory medications
- minimizes days spent in bed
- improves your back function
I’ll show you here what I use to get a massage at home, and what I combine it with.
I use something this simple when my muscles are tense or really sore when I get home. Soon after, I’ll apply a little cream to soothe my joints. Towards the evenings, I get my eating right with anti-inflammatory herbs, and at night more stretching with essential oils.
When you need a massage, its best to get your partner, a close friend, or a relative to help.
3. Eating healthy
There’s no doubt that food can place a strain on your entire lower back, and it can cause stress to your lumbar spine. Many of the people I’ve worked with find herbs and supplements useful and helpful for helping them in fighting against joint pain. Some herbs that are included are:
- Willow bark. Between 120 and 240 mg daily
- Devils claw. Between 50 and 100 mg daily.
Along with adding a quick joint supplement to your routine, what I found supplements very useful for were for weight loss and healing at the same time! Can you believe they actually make supplements that can act as anti-inflammatory, and at the same help you lose weight effectively? If you’d like to determine what the heck I’m going on about, check out our turmeric and forskolin article here.
You should always talk to your doctor before starting to use any new herbal medicines, as it could pertain to your extra medical conditions… They could cause a bad interaction with your current medications, and bring side effects.
4. Exercise
Take it from me when I say: “there is no better way to treat lower back pain then exercise.” This is how it helps:
- it restores your muscles natural healing, blood-flow, and protects or prevents you from future pain that is never welcomed.
Here are the exercises that are known to reduce symptoms:
- Cobra Pose. Great stretch for anyone in chronic pain, especially the best for a herniated disc.
- Walking. Taking a walk in your home with a treadmill, or outside. They will both work many factors like:
- Your posture
- decompresses your spine
- increases mobility and movement
- helps your joints and muscles
- releases endorphins
- A pool. If you have access to a pool in your backyard, learning to make your joints stronger, and help your spines alignment will enforce a stronger lower back. Water exercises will ensure you don’t strain your lower back, feel muscle spasms, and cause damage to your joints. But to do it right, you have to differentiate the difference between “swimming” and what it means to do the right workouts. See here what bad swimming looks like.
- Stretching. Hold on a minute, but stretching is different than exercising right? Not exactly… stretching is its own category but as you do it, you can transform it into a high or low impact exercise workout.
- This will loosen up your tense and sore muscles, while strengthening those that need help. This is very important because the largest reason for lower back pain are muscle imbalances. By working around the area of your pain, you’ll strengthen other weaker muscles so they don’t have to cause your pain.
Whenever you begin stretching, its best to start slowly and gently. Stop if it hurts. You don’t want anymore stretch causing damage to your tissues and strains.
I do plenty of yoga throughout my day and it helps tremendously. Yoga is the fundamental and basic building block to any lower back pain recovery. Sure, acute pain doesn’t always need the attention from yoga, but it can help prevent further breakouts. And when it comes to battle chronic lower back pain, there is no better friendship than to have your friend yoga to get through the thick and thin with you.
Don’t worry, it’s simple and not complex to understand…
It’s like riding a bike once you get the hang of it.
It took me almost a month to accept just the fact that I was doing yoga, but man did it help! I recovered in as little as a week from terrible chronic lower back pain, and I was able to get over the lower impact activities so I could play sports more comfortably. With yoga, the hope is to get stronger, and that’s exactly what you’ll get if you put in the:
- time
- energy
Take it from me, your back will not give up and out in your mornings, afternoons, evenings, and nights, all thank to yoga. Check out my yoga for lower back pain article here if you’d like.
4. An Epson Bath
This is perfect for calming your muscles because you are combining heat with magnesium sulfate. Soaking yourself for about 20 minutes is enough to keep you from tensing up and causing inflammation for the day. They are great for a post workout. For example:
Ex: Imagine yourself finishing an intense workout or a game. You just used a bottle of your favorite gel or spray to ease your muscles. minutes later, you’re driving home. That evening, you set up a bath to bring rich nutrients, and open up blood circulation to let water reach your spine, calm your nerves, and relax your sore muscles. And this is the best part…
You add Epson salt to the mix and let it soak until you can finally dive on in. OOH AHH!
You’ll not only find relief, but your muscles will feel way more relaxed and ready for a good nights sleep. I explain this more in my how to sleep with lower back pain article but with essential oils followed by light stretching.
5. Improve your posture
Most of us will spend our day to day lives sitting on our butts, literally. This is more harmful than you realize. You can minimize impact by CONSTANTLY maintaining good posture. You should keep your body all in alignment, and feet flat on the floor. It’s all about having the right ergonomics.
I teach how to maintain posture for anyone at any level in my other poor posture page.
My favorite solutions for posture is not a back brace belt(because that’s actually more harmful than good, you can learn about that here.), but I:
- Jog or walk in the evenings after work
- I go right into my stretching routine to strengthen and bring flexibility
- I use joint relieving creams and or supplements
- Eat the right foods
- Use seat cushions for keeping all my muscle and joints in check
Of course, I didn’t start off this way when my pain was really severe. I would use medications, and since I couldn’t stand to get up and walk, I had to work on my posture, to strengthen my joints and muscles. Then, I would use creams to stabilize my pain so I could do more in the day.
A LARGE part of my healing process to a better posture has always been yoga. I always emphasize how exercising and stretching are the best components you can have to increase your posture. If you do just these two things, guess what? You will not have to turn to conservative treatments every single day.
What yoga does for you is this:
- strengthens your lower back
- adds more flexibility
- makes you more mobile
- gives you better movement
- Calms your mind
- Improves your posture
One of the many problems I encounter with lower back pain is not always what’s happening primarily in and around the spine, but in a much more secluded area, if you will.
If you look lower, underneath your pelvis and behind your posterior pelvis, there’s this triangular shaped bony structure. Touch it with your finger, and you might dare to feel a little or extreme pain. How you go about treating it is just as important as what you’re doing.
Here’s an action plan I have designed for you:
Action plan #1
Example to be used: For acute and sub-acute pain
For mild pain that last let’s say up to 4 weeks or so, icing time for 10-15 minutes for 4 times a day to begin is excellent. Taking an NSAID alongside with that is alright to do, or if you want a go at natural remedies,, I’m always for more natural ways. After doing so, you can jump into your yoga stretches. You’ll have to work around your area of pain as much as possible, and to help you figure out which yoga to do so this yoga article will help you do so.
Now what about relaxing?:
Restrain from sitting down a long period, it’ll only aggregate your tailbone or in other words, your coccyx. If you do want to sit down for a short or extended amount of time, Let it be on a soft surface, and lean forward as you do, to go away from the pressure and causing you’re coccyx pain.
What I find helps is extra seat cushioning, and that it’s quality. Whenever I need to give my lower back spine a rest, and everything non-specifically related to it, it needs to be a seat cushion now. Why?
It lets me stay productive while sitting, and I can enjoy talking, and watching TV with my friends and family without worrying about my form, and losing my posture. The greatest benefit, is it helps increase posture.
Here’s my very own seat cushion I use everywhere:
==>If you’d like to learn more about sitting, this amazing seat cushion above, and many others go here<==
6. Sleep friendly
How you sleep with lower back pain is very important for your spine, and muscles. I know many of us take naps throughout the day, and to get the most comfort and relaxing sleep, you should nap on the right mattress. Notice how I didn’t say couch! A couch can sink your body in, depending on your weight, and cause abnormalities. Sleeping the right way will help you restore:
- cognitive behavior
- mental sharpness
- reduced muscle stiffness
- REM sleep
7. Focus
This is one I don’t hear and see people doing enough of. The main drive in lower back pain is in your mind. Your emotions spark a pain that radiates all over your body physically. You don’t want these trigger points to disrupt your daily life, and even more while you’re at home with your family and friends.
I make it my mission to continue reading a book I bought awhile back called “Healing Back Pain” by John E Sarno, and its revolutionized my entire life! Not only about how I see lower back pain, but how to control any type of pain. It released me off my pills completely.
This with natural joint and muscle support, and the rest to cure my back pain was all I had to do.
Remember to only take painkillers for little time, even when your pain is so severe. It will cause more side effects. There are more natural alternatives.
A Precise Step-By-Step Acton Plan
Wouldn’t it be sweet, maybe a luxury to have the right action plan to treat your lower back pain at home? I see you’re reading my mind…
I’m about to give you some even more help, because why would I just want to throw you with different ways of treating your bad back at home if you don’t know where to start, and end?
This is a precise step-by-step action plan that I’ve tried for many years, tested and found worked the best for me. And it could work for you as well. So before, or even after you’ve paid your medical professional(s) a visit take a look at this:
Action step # 1
Example to be used: Where you will be in minutes from now
I want you to imagine yourself at home(or don’t if you’re there right this second), and think about what you are doing at this exact moment. “Now it’s time to reverse engineer the process.” Look at your surroundings, and think about what’s running through your mind.
- Limit your distractions to 1 thing at a time. Since you’re here right now, focus on what you are reading first. Doing more than one thing can cause you to move in directions that will only cause further inflammation and pain.
- Think about what you will do after you leave from reading this. Will you be cleaning, going out, standing up, going for a workout perhaps?
- It’s important that you know your next move, this way you can understand how your lower back will be positioned and exposed to other variables. For this example, let’s say you will start cleaning the house. Your body is likely not warmed up yet, so start with a basic hamstring stretch. The one you can do is to put your leg out in front of you and the other one behind it, and lean forward keeping your back as straight as you can.
- Now do 1 quick yoga pose of your choice. For either mild to chronic pain, a simple bridge pose will be sufficient. This will open up your disc space and let you gain further flexibility in the lower lumbar region.
- Not everyone’s body is the same, so if your lower back is so severe(chronic) that it makes it hard to even stretch or exercise, then apply either your choice of a natural muscle relaxer, joint + muscle cream, heating pad, or my favorite recommendation, this amazing supplement.
- Then you’ll be ready to move forward and get a couple stretches in, and be able to support your lower back for the cleaning you have ahead of you.
Action Plan # 2
Example to be used: Cold and Heating Pad
Scenario #1:
In this scenario, you’ll be presented with more of an acute-sub acute lower back pain approach with the use of little to no drugs, and more emphasis on using a cold and heating pad.
- Imagine yourself sitting down, and when you go to stand up, oops there it is!…A pain that just rushes up to alert your mind. Here, you have inflammation that is rushing to your lower extremities. It’s time to counteract it.
- A bag of ice is OK, but it will do more harm than good(you can see that here), so whenever the unfortunate event presents itself, go for a cold pack immediately. This will reduce the swelling f your inflammation for the next 10-15 minutes or so.
- Then, you will want to use heat therapy to promote better blood circulation, and for nutrients to flow better to heal your pain.
- Think about why it’s happened, and what you can do to reduce this from occurring next time.
- The problem is that you have weak muscles. By working on improving your muscles, you’ll get less pain, which means less inflammation.
- This doesn’t always mean you don’t have severe pain, and if your pain is constantly coming back after use, see your doctor right away.
Scenario # 2:
In this scenario we will take a more natural approach to your healing. Muscle relaxers, creams and supplements will come up.
- Other than a cold and heating pad, you have other great options. And this is always #2 with more low to mild pain. Try to use a natural muscle relaxer when your back stiffens up. This will help calm your muscle spasms very well.
- Joint pain is one large reason for lower back pain, so anytime you can use the right supplement to add an extra kick of natural herbs.
- I know that myself, I like using pain relief creams, but the ones that will not just mask the pain away. But for this demonstration I will add the ones that will mask, since you just have temporary pain anyways. A pain relief cream like Biofreeze, Sombra, or Outback are the best at this.
Action Plan #3
Example to be used: Unbearable spine pain and lower back muscles
- With a tweaked out lower back spine, there are still a variety of things you can do. It’s important that you don’t make large sudden movements, as this can aggravate and worsen your pain.
- If you have a heat pad, right now would be a great time to use it. You’ll be able to decrease muscle pain, and stiffness within a matter of minutes. This will allow you to be able to stand up better, and move more than you did just minutes before.
- With these types of conditions, it tells me that you need to work on your posture and possible eating habits. Now, it’s time to improve your posture. You have two great options, and they can work side to side or separate, however you would like.
- It’s best that you work on stretching and exercising. Indoors, you can either walk on the treadmill if it’s too cold outside,or if getting in a vehicle will just not do it. Or you can do yoga-which is #1 by the way. Yoga will give you the perfect ratio of stretching to exercising. Some forms are ore stationary than others, but the ones that make you move just a little are better. But first consult with your doctor to see what yoga style you should start at. And then come here, and take the lessons I give for free.
- The other option(and usually comes second) is using a seat cushion or a back brace. If you plan on sitting down to watch T.V, eat at your dining table, or do another activity, try to avoid sitting on your couch for long, as this can cause your muscle to get more off balance, and cause inflammation to re-appear.
- A more short term fix is a back brace. These work well around the house for doing day to day activities that would be hard to do without it. I suggest using it for a short amount of time, like a day or two at the most – this way you don’t become dependent on it, as it can cause stomach issues.
- It’s best that you work on stretching and exercising. Indoors, you can either walk on the treadmill if it’s too cold outside,or if getting in a vehicle will just not do it. Or you can do yoga-which is #1 by the way. Yoga will give you the perfect ratio of stretching to exercising. Some forms are ore stationary than others, but the ones that make you move just a little are better. But first consult with your doctor to see what yoga style you should start at. And then come here, and take the lessons I give for free.
Action Plan #4
Example to be used: Massage therapy
Other than using a cold pack, or alternative relief medicines, at times you’ll find that you just want to come home and give yourself a proper massage without having to rush over to your massage therapist. For low to mild aches and pains, this is a great alternative, and for more severe chronic pain, it is still OK to do so at home but the other action plans like exercising, stretching, eating, and focusing on the other alternative solutions are first.
- You can have someone who knows your back well enough to give you a hands on massage. Or if you prefer to use a machine, that will work perfectly as well.
- There are massage unit chairs, pads, or tens machine units with a built in EMS can stimulate your muscles and give them the relief they need just as well.
- Focus on running your hands through the area of pain slightly
- But if your pain is more severe, let a massage therapist do so.
Action Plan #5
Example to be used: During the night
I know that at night is where most of us tend to get more relaxed. I get it, it’s been a long day, and you just want to reward yourself with two feet up in the air, and with soothing “OOH AHH” moments all evening. While little rest is fine, too much will actually hurt your days work of getting your muscles, joints, ligaments and spine in alignment. You can still get a good amount of rest time if you follow these steps:
- If the evening/night is the time you get your exercise in, go for it. The night is actually the best time to do so because your muscles will have more blood circulation pumping throughout your body to promote faster healing. And when it comes to go to sleep, your muscles will not be as tensed and rough on your joints.
- Take a second to understand your habits, and where the pain might be coming from at this time. If you need strong painkillers or NSAID’s, take a second to think about why you do. Are you thinking about your pain, are you twisting, turning, pulling, and bending your body in ways it shouldn’t yet? If you’re at this stage, always have a quick natural supplement in hand. This will drop your symptoms down. A great substitute for Opioids is CBD Oil- Here’s an article for beginners on cbd oil for the lower back But if you’re not ready for that transition, start our 12 day opioid to painkiller course offered for free instead.
- Option # 2 would be to use a pain relief cream. There are many that are either specialized for acute muscle pain, joint, or chronic muscle and joint pain. If you have acute muscle and joint pain, give Biofreeze a look And if your pain is chronic, go with Penetrex pain relief cream.
Home Therapy Has To Be The Right Solution Right?
You’re not alone if you think treating your lower back pain by seeing a specialist, a PT, a chiropractor, or a doctor is the best thing to do. Many people think about it like this.
At first it might seem like its working but at the end you can run a high co-pay bill, and hours of time that didn’t work for you. This can make you a faster candidate for surgery too, and you don’t need that.
Whether you have acute, chronic, or sciatic inflammation or re-occurring lower back pain you can treat it much differently.
Treat it from your own home. You will spend less money, and have more time to spend doing the things you want for yourself and with others.
Apply cold therapy, then heat therapy for acute pain, continue with heat therapy for chronic, and Sciatic Pain.
Its best to try other alternatives to heat therapy because others actually will work much better and faster for you. You’ve seen the 6 best ways to treat and cure your lower back pain from home.
How I’ve Changed My Life With An Easy To Follow Ste-by-Step Guide
I don’t want you to be like the 99% of people who have a bad back and never do anything about it at home. Yes, they might do things here and there, but never do it on a consistent day-to-day basis.
So for that, I created a 5 step and 3 secrets guide to not only removing your back pain at home, but how to manage it every single time of your day, whether it’s:
- At work
- School
- Vacation
- and much more!
If you’d like to get my FREE book, then go ahead and click right below:
>>5 steps and 3 secrets to managing back pain on a daily basis guide
If you have any questions, comments, opinions, or maybe you have some experience with what works best for you, I would like to hear about it. Please leave me a comment down below. I will get back to you right away!
For The Remove Back Pain System
Let’s escalate your sleeping experience to a greater place now. Continue seeing how to treat your back pain in the mornings here.
Wow, this is such a great and useful read for most of us as back pain is one of the commonest problem now a days. People of all ages are suffering from this problem and articles like this will help us understanding this problem and curing it by changing normal everyday life style with so much ease.
Thank you for sharing this info with all of us.
Hi Sarah,
I tried to make it as reachable to a wide scope of people, as this is a problem everyone seems to have. If we can start ahead then this will help not only fix back pain, but prevent it from even happening. Making lifestyle changes is the key to all of it, we just have to be willing to accept changes whether we are used to them or not. You’re welcome.
Hi Michael! great post. You cover the subject end to end. The information you give here is very helpful. As someone who has suffered from back pain I know the difficulties that it can cause. I wish I had this information before I had surgery on my lower back (microdisckectomy sp?). Do you think that sleeping on a firm mattress is better for one’s back? Also, is sleeping on the side better than sleeping on your back? While I no longer suffer from sciatica and lower back pain on a normal basis, I do have some pain in the mornings when i wake up. So that is why I ask.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for reaching out to me about this. It’s a pretty difficult obstacle even at the most acute of back pains. Sometimes its tough to even think about alternatives when faced in a situation like that, and its common. Absolutely 110% Yes…A firm mattress is the way to go. either firm or medium firm(which is the safe decision). Sleeping on your back is much healthier because you can evenly distribute your weight the full length of your body’s largest surface. And the best part is that it will minimize your pressure points while making sure you have great alignment in your neck, shoulders, and your spine. At first, working with like a small pillow under your knees will help, as that will re-align your spine. Although sleeping on your side is popular and comfortable, it can pull your spine out of alignment and cause a strain. What I do, and you should try as well is placing a “firm” pillow between your knees, as this will keep your legs level with your spine, and bring your hips,pelvis and spine in line. I’m glad to hear it’s not as consistent as it once ones for you…I know sciatica can be a pain, I continue dealing with it a little more right now. If you’d like to learn about mattresses the right way, I have a whole completely separate article with that if you’d like to see here. I give an overview of what it means to select and sleep on the right bed, and I have a test their to see if it’s really your mattress that causes you problems. Please let me know If there’s anything else I can help you with. Thank you.
Hi Michael,
This is a very informative post I’d have to say. I actually suffer from lower back pain once in a while and I’m just guessing it’s mostly from poor posture and having to sit in the office for literally 7 hours a day.
I will definitely try out some home therapy. Actually, I will share this post with a friend who’s been having back problems and has since gone to see a chiropractor.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Teresa,
If it’s a once in awhile occurrence, that usually means it’s a lack of poor posture. And from sitting 7 hours a day, it makes more sense. Give some of the techniques a go, I know for a fact that they will work pretty well. And if at any time you want to see how you can improve your posture, you can check out my posture page here.
The chiropractor will help, but ultimately it’ll come down to adjustments and changes that start at home. Sounds great, thank you! You’re welcome.
Thanks for the great article.
My husband is in the trades and he experiences back pain all of the time. He is also an ex-hockey player so I believe that there is residual pain from the sport.
He tweaks his back funny all the time and it puts him out for days with the longest being two weeks. His preference is a chiropractor.
Using your tips will help me to help him continue to take care of his back and hopefully work out a lot of the kinks so he doesn’t have to live with back pain for the rest of his life.
Thanks again,
Hi Kahlua,
You are very welcome. Those are two high impact combinations, and yes it could be from a contact sport like Hockey. No way? It seems like the smallest moments have a lasting impact. Over the years he’s developed a bad back, and A chiropractor is the right solution. I hope he gets better, and is able to workout the little things so he doesn’t have to end up heading to the chiropractor as often, or none at all. Let me know if you have any further comments or questions, thank you.
As someone who has suffered from lower back pain most of my life, I found this information quite insightful. This is such a common problem and so many people can use the benefits of your information.
Hi Yurii,
I’m glad you found my article to suit you well. Lower back pain is a large problem, and huge part of it begins at home. How we present ourselves to everyone else at work, our friends and family has a lot to do with the sedimentary life choices we decide to make. If you can change your habits, that will change your mind, and changing your mind around is the power to unlocking the bad muscle, joint, and lower back pain that many of us suffer from. Thank you!