
How To Get Rid Of A Lower Back Pain – Your Path To A New You

By Michael

October 6, 2018

Did you watch your back today?

The #1 diagnosed condition and cause for missed days at work as of 2018 is lower back pain. Over 80% of the worldwide population will of experienced a lower back pain at least once in their lives, with just slightly over 22% of acute cases turning into chronic pain. But what is more surprising is how its label doesn’t proceed it.​

Back pain is a miss understood phenomenon to put it lightly. There are way too many resources,tools, support, and not enough answers. If you go to your doctors or physical therapist, you’re told that you will be treated and well taken care of. That’s it though…

You’re advised to take doses of painkillers, told to follow your physical therapist as a do or die situation, and even persuaded by ridiculous infomercials that claim to be the last thing you’ll ever need.

Although conservative treatments do work and have a solid place in your health and wellness, should you be limiting yourself to only one form and source of treatment? And should you be tricked and tiped off about doing the same thing over and over, only to feel the same pain the very next minutes, hours, days, months…you know where this is going.

Over the years, I’ve learned to better manage my own lower back pain the right ways, not how all these sites like spine-health, WebMD, healthline, ect have you execute(which is like only 25%), whether it was acute, chronic, or sciatica. At first, I limited myself to a doctor, a physical therapist every other day, and I was looking for the “next best thing”.

But were these all likely to help me in the short term or long term?

Quitting to the chase, you have to nurture your back, like as if you were nurturing and cradling a baby. Your back is delicate, and it rewards you with 3 key things:

  • movement
  • mobility
  • posture

Treating your lower back pain doesn’t have to be difficult nor frustrating, rather a learning process that you can take it with a grain of salt. In this article, I will help your understand the vast forms of lower back pain, and how to get rid of a lower back pain on your own time conditions both safely and effectively. To do so, you’ll need a plan:

  1. What are the types of lower back pain?
  2. What you shouldn’t do in them
  3. What you can do right now
  4. What will work best

Stay tuned to see the best ways to get rid of a lower back pain fast and easily. So let’s go right into it!

What Are The Types Of Lower Back Pain?

“You can’t treat what you can’t see, but you can treat what you do know.”

What is meant by this is that there are so many structures of your lower back that are the makeup of your lower back pain. There are 4 types of main lower back pains, and they are:

  1. Acute. Pain that usually gets better in two weeks or less
  2. Sub-acute. Past the two week stage, acute pain becomes sub-acute. Usually last for 4 weeks or more.
  3. Chronic. Over 4 weeks and sometimes 3 months ahead, your pain turns chronic
  4. Sciatica. Sharp nerve pains shooting down one side of your body.

Associated with your acute and sub-acute pain is what is known as “inflammation“. Inflammation is the result of of you having a minor strain, muscle spasm, sore or bruised muscle tissue, and from an awkward push, pull, and bend(we’ll talk more about how you can treat this in the treatment section below).

And then there is chronic and sciatica…

This is where it can get a bit trickier, and that’s because there’s mild and severe chronic pain. Both of which are more similar than they are distinguished.

With chronic pain, you have a higher risk of the type of pain you feel being both “inflammation” and “mechanical”. What you are feeling can be both specific(referred) and non-specific pain in your lower back.

The reason you continuously experience sharp shooting aches and pains has more to do with inflammation then it is mechanical. A relief?

Consider it a small relief for a larger on going issue. The Mechanical aspects of your back to consider are:

  • your ligaments
  • muscles
  • joints
  • disc
  • vertebrae
  • nerves
  • spine
  • pelvis
  • tailbone(coccyx)
  • hamstring
  • hips
  • buttocks

There’s so many, but lets decipher which ones actually are specifically coming from a “mechanical issue” and which ones are merely non specific pain.

Your Spine Is Amazing!

What’s up with your spine?

Let’s take a closer look at your very erect spine.

If you ran your hands from your upper ribs to just above the line of your shorts, or pants, you’d feel your Lumbar(lower back). From what is the L1-L5 section(lumbar) you have about 32 vertebrae, 15 jelly like disc in between, and right behind them are your nerves, and facet joints.

When one of these components wears down or beaks down, they trigger a mechanical alert, and are the triggers responsible for firing at your inflammation. But that’s not why its such a phenomenon.

What If I told you your pain was not solely or not at all coming from your spine? We’re our on victims…

We are quick to point the finger at our spine, when in fact your spine is pleading that you look elsewhere. Besides an injury or hereditary, the two primary reasons have to do with:

  • Your lower trunk
  • Lifestyle choices

Below your spine are ligaments, muscles, more joints and tissue, and these sections can be exhausted. Your buttocks are there to give support to your spine, your hips are there to help you stabilize your posture, your hamstrings support supply posture to your spine, and stability.

When these factors don’t work in sync like a band in a parade, usually one band member takes the pressure and full authority.

You’re quickly to blame your spine for that reason, but that’s only because it takes on all the pressure. Since your muscles, joints, and ligaments are out of wack, and weak, your spine says “Fine I’ll handle it”.

That doesn’t help your case because now you’re relying on your spine to bail you out. Its time for you to speak up.

Working around your spine will help you to strengthen, gain more flexibility, and most importantly, treat your root of the cause.

First let’s look at what you shouldn’t do with your bad back.

You Don’t Want To Make Matters Worse

You’ve got places to go, places to be, people to see, it never feels like you have enough time in the day! Sounds stressful enough to just think about right? Your pain is not all physical, it shares an unhealthy relationship with your emotions.

1. Stress. Have you felt down because you couldn’t go back to exercising, enjoying the things you love, or being productive? The last thing you want to hear from your doctor is that you need to lay off certain activities, and to stick to low impact exercises. The problem that you have is not the ability that you can’t do them, it’s just that you are sold on the idea that you will not be able to do what you once used to do, or that you can’t handle it to the same of your capabilities.

Therefore,a cloud of depression rains on your parade, signs of depression and anxiety arise, and that all leads to stress.

2. Do it yourself(DIY). You shouldn’t assume, and be a lone wolf. What you need to do with all types of lower back pain is to use resources around you. Your doctor, physical therapist, chiropractors, friends and family are there for you(we’ll speak more on that in the treatment section below). If your pain is not getting any better, it’s time to stop what you’re doing and seek further assistance. As an example when it comes to stretching and exercising:

A variation of the hamstring stretch can hurt your disc.  Normally in the case of chronic lower back pain, you shouldn’t do the reach down hamstring stretch. Doing it can overstretch your disc, and cause nerve pressure on your spine.

Another example is jogging. A higher impact activity like jogging can be both health detrimental in the sub-acute, chronic and sciatica threshold level. As you jog, the impact of your joints begin to hurt, and your spine can worsen. Although great for your muscle growth there are better ways to go about it(more later on that).

3. Alcohol. Alcohol is going to cut off proper blood flow to your area of pain, and it adds more CO2 to deplete your oxygen levels.

4. Drugs. Similar to alcohol, smoking will create blood clots, thin your vessels and bloodstream, not providing you with proper oxygen and water to your disc.

5.Movements. Bending, twisting, pulling and pushing will aggravate your spine and pelvis. It could lead to worsening your pain, and cause anterior pelvic pulls.

6. Foods. Eating high trans fat and fatty acids will only cause your inflammation to spike.

This is Your Goldmine, What You Should Do

Now that we’ve talked about how to distinguish between the types of lower back pain, and what you shouldn’t do to make your health worse, now its time for the bread and butter of why you’re here.

There are HONESTLY and LITERALLY 1,000’s of ways to treat a lower back pain and that’s in part of all the conservative and surgical treatments that are added to the end of the tail…

Technology and medical advances have come a long way from where it was a couple decades ago, and If that doesn’t make you smile, I don’t know what will.

You have every fix from exercising to getting fusions, epidural injections, laser therapy, to new radiology images. It can be easy to get lost in a world of trial and experiment, and so much new advancement. But that’s a lot of “extra sauce”(not to mention an empty in money pocket), and the thing is, you always have to trust and stick to the most organic methods.

Through my experiences in treating my own lower back you’re not just going to hear about the quick fixes your so used to, but you’ll finally get to see why natural treatments are the most effective to keep you away from your current lower back pain, and to further prevent future cases. You’re going to hear about the 4 categories of management:

  1. Exercise
  2. Healing Foods
  3. Cognitive Behavior
  4. Natural Remedies

*You can check out any of those categories anytime by clicking on their name above.*

So lets start off with how to treat your acute lower back pain.


The result of acute pain is always inflammation, and so you’d benefit from short term relief to start. If you have an NSAIDs on you, whip out your bottle of ibuprofen, naproxen, aleve, etc, and use as directed. What I used to do is carry a bottle of ibuprofen with me wherever I went and used it three times in my day.

2. Use cold and heat therapy

As soon as inflammation forms, you need to fight it, or else it can get worse. Using a cold pack for reducing swelling, and heat for promoting better blood circulation and reducing muscle stiffness.

3. Turmeric with Curcumin

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and it’ gaining more exposure in natural medicine. If you’re like me and you prefer a more natural remedy enter your body, you can’t go wrong with turmeric. Curcumin in turmeric promotes healing, and pushing back your inflammation.

4. Muscle Relaxants

Consider taking a muscle relaxant on the severity of your pain. If you have a sore muscle, or if its aching, a painkiller or more natural one can be used. Muscle relaxants are a fundamental building block for muscle treatment, and it is the easiest way to access and go about it. But be careful to use muscle relaxants with side effects for the long term, they can cause permanent damage.

5. Keep Moving

You first though might be to rest, but that in fact can worsen your pain. Your muscles and joints need to strengthen. Resume normal activities, but stop if you can’t continue.

6. Seek professional help

If this is not your first episode of acute lower back pain, seeing a physical therapist for the McKenzie method or spine stabilization can be required.

Most cases don’t resolve themselves within 2-4 weeks, and if that’s the case see your doctor. Your pain could be an underlying one like:

For Sub-Acute Pain:

If you encounter your that your lower back pain has lasted longer than 4 weeks, don’t be alarmed, it’s common. If your case doesn’t have to do with any of the underlying issues above, your doctor will help you with more hands on options such as:

  • massage
  • heat
  • chiropractic care
  • physical therapy

1. Massage

Your muscles that run from your lumbar and down to your legs are stiff and they need release. One effective way to loosen your muscle stiffness and knots is to get a massage. You’ll feel relaxed and your breathing will strengthen.

Although massages hold very little evidence to improve your pain, they do offer a quick alternative to harmful muscle relaxants. According to Spine Health a massage can be very therapeutic and help relieve muscle stiffness and stress.

2. Heat

Like a massage, heat will loosen your muscle stiffness, but what it does better is it promotes better blood-flow throughout your whole body, it gives your muscles and disc more oxygen, and relaxes your pain both physically and mentally(a better meta cognition). Learn how to use heat to stay clear of your lower back pain right here.

3. Chiropractic care

If you want to avoid popping another pill of your NSAID, heading to your chiropractor will be much better. What you get out of it is spinal manipulation, and these professionals put your muscles, joints, and ligaments back in better position.

4. Physical therapy

It might be time to visit your physical therapist. At physical therapy you’ll learn stretches and exercises to help you strengthen your weak muscles. In my opinion, physical therapy is great because you learn more effectively how to stretch and exercise so that your muscles get stronger.

A leading reason that you might fail to keep off your acute lower back pain is because you have a weak muscle imbalance. That can naturally over weeks time cause you to have a chronic lower back pain.

As you encounter more constant episodes of acute lower back pain overtime, you will be able to manage it easier, and you’ll learn not only the best ways to go about treating it, but preventing it.

At home:

One of the advantages you have about an acute back pain episode is that you can more than half of the time treat it yourself. Whether your pain is sudden or disrupts your day, you can rest easy knowing that you are not always one step away from visiting your doctors office. You can learn to treat your pain at home with these tips.

Note: If you’re pain last longer than 2 weeks, make sure you visit your doctor for further assessment

Chronic Lower Back Pain:

Everyone has a different type of chronic lower back pain, and it all came from a different cause; and they are:

  • A large fall
  • sports injury
  • car injury
  • hereditary
  • Acute to chronic pain
  • Age
  • Muscle imbalance
  • Joint problems
  • disc and vertebrae issues
  • nerve damage

Whichever the case may be, you’ll be able to find the right way to get rid of it in way less time than you think, or might have been told.

What’s causing your pain?

Inflammation is good for you, it gives you a better immune system, but if it appears consistently, its likely to lead you to chronic lower back pain. Add on the mechanical side of it( your lumbar spine), and now you have a recipe with too much flour in your dish, if you catch my drift.

The question is, do we go about things the right way, or do we do what we think will work?

Most of us are looking at chronic lower back pain the wrong way. Rather than treating the Root of the cause, we begin with treating the symptoms. And that’s not your fault, its simply that you were taught to work at it from a short term point of view.  You have a chance to change that though, and I’ll make sure I give you a helping hand.

What begins as little gadgets, and drugs quickly turn into a problematic one. You grow dependent on getting quick relief and get comfortable with these accommodations. Change your state of mind…

Your goal should be to find long lasting relief that will lead you to gold instead. In chronic pain, there is both non-specific and specific chronic pain that you’ll learn more about.

From top to bottom I’m going to draw you the ideal way to get rid of your lower back pain, and while it should be followed, you can follow it from bottom up or start where you feel most comfortable. So let me firs reverse engineer.

1. Exercise

Are you sitting around accepting what you have, or are you trying to resolve it? Exercising is the number one and my most recommended way to get rid of chronic lower back pain. It’s free, plus it can be done from almost anywhere!

When you exercise, your muscles and joints become stronger, more flexible, and you get your endorphins rolling…which helps create a clear mind.

Stick to lower-impact exercises from the start. You’ll want to take it easy on your spine, and the lower trunk of your body. Too much force and impact will cause your pain to worsen. You have the choices of walking, water exercises out from the gates.

2. Stretch

Your strength, flexibility, mobility, and movements will begin to show there true spirit once you stretch. If you want to gain better mobility and movements, you need to make sure taking care of the basics.

So the question then becomes, what is the best type of stretching?

Yoga is a great example of getting your strength and mobility back in line, and at some point you don’t have to do it with the help of your physical therapist, you can do it a home! Here’s on stretch for example that is great for a herniated disc:

1. Cobra

What the cobra stretch does is it releases the pressure on your spinal disc and stretching out your facet joints. It’s great if you have a herniated disc, due to it creating space amid taking pressure off of it.

How to do:

  1. Find a flat surface to lay down on your belly, a mat works great.
  2. Extend your legs behind you, and place your arms straight below your shoulders
  3. Put your hands face down.
  4. pinch in your buttocks just a bit
  5. Now, slightly push up with your hands inhaling, and arching your back to at least 45 degrees
  6. Hold it for at least 5 seconds
  7. Slowly go back down vertebrae by vertebrae, exhaling as you do
  8. Repeat 2 more times

As you increase your ability to do this exercise, raise your time to another 5 seconds. And do it at least 3 times a day to begin until you begin feeling better. Continue to stretch every day and make it the main part of your program.

3. Tai Chi

This form of exercise has become a very effective resource for managing and reducing back and neck pain. It’s associated with groups of people, and you’ve probably seen it done around parks and recreation. With Tai Chi, you are performing slow and synchronized movements.  Unlike yoga, Tai Chi involves a large more amount of movements, and unlike higher impact and some low impact exercises, it doesn’t put your spine in a bad position.

Check out this video:

4. Healing foods

I’m constantly a victim of choosing delicious foods to eat, and eating a quick meal. I’m human like you are. You can still eat the tasty food you love without sacrificing them. At first, begin with cutting:

  • processed foods
  • alcoholic rinks
  • caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea
  • Sugars

What do you get when you mix these in your day to day life? You get a volcano ready to explode. Avoid eating high inflammatory meals in these categories and opt for more nutritious ones like:

  • whole grains and oats
  • fruits
  • vegetables(not nightshade)
  • cherries
  • omega 3 and omega 6
  • fish
  • water

I remember about 2 years ago when I was diagnosed with a chronic condition, and I just ate and ate. It didn’t help at all. I couldn’t accept why things were the way they were. But thanks to my nutritionist, I was able to get back on track. To learn more about healing foods and your very own cookbook, go here.

5. Mindfulness Techniques

The road to dealing with a degenerative disc, bulging disc, herniated disc, and your more non-specific cases will greatly benefit from a peaceful and conscious mind. Practice Tai Chi, Yoga, and Pilates.

What these styles of stretching do are they promote you a stronger lower back with the addition of breathing and meditation techniques.

As you start with chronic lower back pain, a style of yoga like Ashtanga is perfect, and as you grow into the latter months, Vinyasa yoga therapy is the way to go. I did Vinyasa on a daily basis, and now I do less and less stretches as my back has gotten stronger.

Even a ruptured disc can heal on its own, so don’t neglect the power of using mindful techniques.

>>Go here to learn more about Yoga.

6. Posture

When you walk, or sit down, do you hunch and slump forward? That’s due to your poor posture. To get rid of your lower back pain, you should work on keeping your spine as straight as it can. Hunching forward will cause your pelvis to move forward into the anterior pelvic tilt position.

In result, it leads to sacroiliac joint pain, and weaker muscles on the whole bottom trunk of your lower back.

One thing to do right now is continuously stretch. As you stretch, your muscles will grow stronger, and your back will learn to align itself. So the next time you go to take your walk, or get after it at work, there will be no stopping you.

>>Go here to learn more about how to fix your posture easily.

7. Cognitive Behavior

It’s one thing to use stretching as  a mindful techniques and its another to control the way your mind behaves. When you’re not stretching or exercising, focus your attention away from your pain. What you can do to achieve this is tell yourself that things will work out, and that you must remain calm.

Accept that you are in the situation given, but you will not give up. Look at the brighter side, and trust your process. Besides focusing on all the positives, reading helps. I’ve adopted reading into my life more, and learning about how to better manage and get rid of my pain.

One book that helped me perceive pain differently and end the rut that I was in was Healing Back Pain By MD John E. Sarno

It’s a popular book, and at the time I really didn’t look into the hype. Come to reading it, I learned that emotions are a major factor for why you hurt. Of-course you feel things physically as you move, but your emotions trigger it much greater. Putting a halt to these receptors in your brain will help you for life!

8. Natural Remedies

This applies to any type of lower back pain, but since we’re on the matter of chronic pain; if you rely on alternative medicine, you will be in great shape. Let me repeat that, You will be in great shape.

The pharmaceutical industry has been around forever, and it’s only getting stronger. I’m not against opioids, or NSAIDs, but these can cause harmful side effects if you’re using them regularly. Big Pharma is to blame.

The common way to treat lower back pain is not working now, and never will. Drugs give you restrictions. The label on your bottle of Oxycodin, naproxen, or baclofen don’t tell you that you’ll need more and more of it. Will you accept the invitation to addiction?

If you’re having trouble staying off opioids and want a better opportunity, you can always go into my #1 opioids article here, and continue to read on.

Natural Remedy #1 – Kratom

Staying off the beaten path of strong painkillers is ideal. It’s not as easy to just withdrawal and detox. You’ll want a way to replace the cravings of opioids. Treating your neuropathy(mind) comes with a transition to kratom. With kratom, you’ll use less and less of it each time, allowing you to safely and effectively come down from your chronic pain, and use more natural options.

Natural Remedy #2 CBD’s

Another natural medicine that doesn’t get the credit it deserves is CBD oil. Based off the plant extract of a cannabis plant, it delivers analgesic properties that help you heal from a neurological perspective. There is no high feeling, like you’d get from a THC compound, so you are sure to decrease your anxiety, pain, and feel more relaxed.

Natural Remedy #3 Herbs

Have you heard about the healing power herbs have? You’re probably familiar with:

  • turmeric
  • ginger
  • pepper
  • mint
  • Glucosamine
  • Chondoitrin

These are all helpful in helping you get rid of treating the root of you cause, which is inflammation. One great thing about herbs is that they are immediately pain relieving, and easy to consume without little to no side effects. It’s a good thing I have that covered for you…

If you’re having troubles with your joint pain(which is a huge cause of your lower back pain), herbs are essential..Go here to learn more about Herbs.

Natural way #4 Essential Oils

There’s nothing more potent in natural medicine than essential oils. These concentrated extracted compounds in a bottle, will keep away your disc, joint, and emotional properties.What I enjoy about essential oils are that they are versatile. I can choose to use them during my night routine by consuming them by moth, or inhale them with aromatherapy. Go here to learn more about essential oils.

9. Massage

The most accessible relief, and most used might just be a massage. With chronic lower back pain, you might want a quick relief so you can get up and do the things you need to do. If you choose to massage, make sure you’re doing it right. The right way to go about it as a starter is to visit a massage therapist. Here’s a plan:

  1. Visit your massage therapist at least twice a weak to begin
  2. After you notice your symptoms getting better over time, adopt methods at home
  3. Use a massage chair, massage units, or trigger point balls

Other than a traditional massage for chronic lower back pain, I’ve found a new way to get the knots and muscle stiffness out of my back. Have you heard of myofascial release massage? It’s a unique and hands on massage that a massage therapist performs on you. what he/she try to accomplish is the removal off your pressure points, and strive to work into your fascia. If you’d like to see how it get’s done, check out my article on it right here.

10. Acupuncture

For centuries now, “Asian customs” like acupuncture have provided great relief. In acupuncture, a professional places needles in your skin, as a way to release the toxins from your body. It’s sure effective, and highly therapeutic! I suggest you give it a look if you have the chance to. According to Spine-Health, acupuncture is not a western form of medicine, and not the first line of defense, but claims it works to add a positive energy flow throughout your body.

11. Chiropractor Care

You could seek a chiropractor if your back is just not doing it for you. If you can’t twist, bend, or pull, a chiropractor is useful. What you’ll get is pressure relief, and proper alignment(also known as spinal manipulation). If you suffer with getting your posture right, this is a quick alternative.

According to Spine-Health, seeing a chiropractor has the benefits of helping a lumbar herniated disc, and manipulating your spine for better alignment.

What About Sciatica?

Sciatica is a whole other lower back pain of its own. It deals with both a bad lower back and your nerves. One of the many effective ways to relieving your lower back pain and sciatica is through exercise. Here’s one stretch you can do right now to help it:

  1. Knee to opposite shoulder

How to do:

  1. Lay down with your back against the ground
  2. Extend your legs
  3. With your left leg, raise it up slowly towards your chest, and use your left hand to grip your knee towards you
  4. Now, turn your knee toward your opposite shoulder
  5. Hold it for 5 seconds, and come back back to the previous position
  6. And back down
  7. Repeat 2 more times, for a total of 3 times
  8. Switch legs and repeat

If you’d like to see more on how to exercise with sciatica, we have a fantastic article on it, and there’s also special exercises you haven’t seen. Go here.

What Options Work Best For You?

There’s not one way and one answer, I’m sorry to break it to you.  With acute pain I can see how you don’t have to accommodate for everything, but even then, practicing all these habits layed out above will not only prevent your next episodes, but help you overcome your pain much better.

With chronic lower back pain, things like a herniated disc can go away on its own naturally, while more degenerative disc and spine curving conditions take added support.  When you have chronic lower back pain, you can go about exercising and stretching, taking the right medicines, eating, and your cognitive behavior.

Really, you want to maximize all these for a fruitful lifestyle.  If you’d like to learn more about chronic lower back pain treatment options, go here.

Sciatica can be controlled if you exercise regularly, and you work around the pain. Start by exercising, and then integrating supplements, and devices if need be. To learn more about sciatica, you can go here.

In The End You Are Your Maker

Bottom line, you’re only going to get better if you put the effort in. If I could sit around and heal without a problem, I’d likely still not be happy with that; in part because I like to move around.

Whether you’re struggling with degenerative disc, thinning disc, bulging disc, a herniated disc, facet joint syndrome, or any other non-specific internal structure, you’re not going to let up now. If your pain is inflammation, you’e learned how to put the fire out, if it’s mechanical, you’ve learned how to fix it.

In each, the acute, sub-acute, chronic, and sciatica stage, there’s more than one way to go about treating your lower back pain, but not all are productive, If you can learn to stick to treating your root, you’ve just landed on the MECHA of grand prizes.

If you have any questions, concerns, or if you want to offer me your opinion, please leave it in the comments below. I’ll get back to you right away!

How I Get Rid Of My Lower Back Pain On A Daily Basis

You’ve learned how to get rid of your back pain with every option out there imaginable, but the one thing you’re missing is this…

How to get rid of your back pain on a daily basis! What If I could show you how to EXACTLY step by step get rid of your achy and downright injury pain day to day without the harmful use of medications and other chemical stimulants?

If you’d like to see just that, I have a FREE b book that I want to give you, and this isn’t just any old giveaway.

This book in fact, happens to be on Amazon, and is quickly becoming a quick seller. Go ahead and check it out by clicking on the link below:



About the author

Hi My name is Michael Granados, I am of the age of 25 years, and I’m a back pain enthusiast, and expert. All of us have had or will have lower back pain at least once in our lives, and whether it’s acute or a more chronic condition, you can depend on us here at Remove Back Pain to take great care of you. I ensure you’ll take the right and most appropriate steps for you to heal the safest and most productive way. Get ready for a better lifestyle!

  • Back pain  effects so many people including myself.  I try and go to the gym as much as possible and street before and after training. My  routine always includes specific back exercises and stretches  to help me.

    I find that my back is worse of a morning and if I sit for too long  typing.

    I read with interest about turmeric being a good source of anti inflammatory, what are views  regarding the use of Hemp oils ?

    • Hi Darren,

      I’m glad to hear you’re hitting the gym for a workout regardless of how you feel the next day in the morning. Let me tell you, you’re taking the right approach, don’t let off. Your muscles need strengthening and your body needs to stay flexible for the times that you’re not in the gym. These times are important because you’ll learn how not to stiffen your lower back, and always keep it healthy that way. One of the reasons you’re possibly feeling your back worsen in the morning is because your muscles and joints are stiff. It’s normal to wake up the next morning and feel your body ache as it’s stiffened. What you can do to first avoid this is follow a night routine. I’ve linked you to that in case you’d like to learn more about what I do and you can do too to not wake up with that feeling. Another could be how you sleep and what you’re sleeping on. The sleep position we take has a big factor on our aches and pains. If your pain is not chronic, it’s likely just a sleeping position or lack of comfort from your sleeping surface.

      For your typing and sitting, make sure you sit with 90 degrees, feet on the ground, head straigh, and your desk closer to your body. It’s happened to me at times too. And then the back arches and from there on out, it’s double the trouble.

      Hemp oils are helpful. The thing about hemp oils are that they target your brains receptors to not numb like painkillers, but lessen the pain naturally( called neuropathy). It’s not treating the root of the cause as I like to say, but it’s really going to help you stay focused and let you do the work you need to do without the pain. I like it. I feel it’s a great use, and even better one for those with more chronic and pains that are tougher to find relief from. That combined with herbal remedies are always a great choice.

  • Every day there are more people who suffer from pain in the back, and always end up not paying attention to this problem, including me.

    My wife always has to telling me to be careful with my back and that I should take care more of myself.The back pains that I have, are caused by my work, the truth is that it becomes quite tired after having been sitting for nine continuous hours and only driving.I liked your information that you share with us, it has been very helpful, since we can understand more about the causes and identify what kind of pain you have and how to solve it.I will continue reading your posts.

    Thank you.

    • hi Emmanuel,

      It’s true, many people every day suffer with a back pain. It’s usually just done so by Mother Nature, and it’s hard but has to be accepted. That’s a lot of time sitting, I can understand what you’re feeling. I sit for hours on what seems like every day now, and it can cause more serious complications to the lower back. There are many mechanisms in our lower trunk that keep us upright, and our muscles working, but with too much time standing or sitting in one position, it will cause muscle imbalances, inflammation, and then you have a recipe for creating joint issues on its way. I’m glad I was helpful. Thank you.

  • This is exactly what I needed. I play basketball and go running a lot but my body still sometimes ache, especially my lower back. I take pain pills and do all types of stretching, but that does little help. 

    So I have been searching online for new methods I could use to ease the pain and that is why I am glad I came across this article. I haven’t tried cold and hot therapy yet, it seems like it could really help a lot. Great article, definitely sharing this on Facebook. 

    • Hi Garrett,

      I feel your pain, that makes two of us. Sports and exercising is part of our DNA, and it can’t just stop. So finding a different technique and strategy of going about healing before and after are necessary. Not all stretches are helpful after you have an ache and pain. One target your muscles and joints more effectively, while others will down right cause your pain to worsen. Luckily, if it’s just acute, a small dosage of NSAIDs, analgesic, or an ice and hot pack will be very helpful. Give a cold pack a try one of these days and you’ll see how you don’t always need to pop a painkiller into play. If you’d like to lear more about how to ice and heat, check this article out.

      Sometimes when it comes to icing and heating we start with the fastest solution, and that’s reaching for a bag of ice, be careful to do so. If you do, only for a short time.

      Glad you learned something new,

  • I do Tai Chi and I have found it to help with lower back pain. The art utilizes gentle, slow movements, which makes it perfect for healing back injuries. The body is amazing if you let it self heal you. If you can join a group near you, I definitely recommend you do so.

    I do have a question though. Are there any foods that help with lower back pain? I am a bit of an all natural health nut and I want to live a long, holistic life style. It is always amazing what can be found in food.

    Thank you for sharing and I hope you make it a great day!

    • Hi Alex,

      Tai Chi is awesome! I’ve on;y done it once, but not for long, and in this short time, I did feel an immediate change in my mobility and movements. I do believe this would have come in handy when I was healing from my herniated disc. If I ever have an injury like the one I had(cross my fingers), I’ll make sure to go through Tai Chi A little more deeply. Right now I do plenty of Vinyasa yoga therapy, which is great for adding slow movements. As far as foods goes, there are many different types of foods that will do your body well, and these are just some of them: almonds and walnuts, blueberries, whole wheat grains, flaxseeds, red cherries. Here’s my article on healing foods, if you’d like to learn more.Please let me know if you have further questions. Thank you!

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