
How To Treat A Joint Pain – No More Inflammation

By Michael

August 8, 2018


You move left, you move right, now forward then backwards, only to restructure the look on your face as you cringe. It’s unlike a pain you’ve felt before, and you’ve ruled out the possibility of it being natural. So what is it?

Your Joints ring a bell?

Your joints are the connection between bone to bone.

Remember how your mom or dad reminded you to drink your milk as a little child? The calcium in the milk not only makes your bones stronger, they keep your joints from crackle pops,  and losing cartilage…

A great message that I wish I took more to heart throughout my teen age years, so that in my twenties I wouldn’t be struggling.

Any damage or injury to your lower back joints will cause limited movement and mobility, with the unforgettable pain to endure.

Many conditions can lead to joint pain, including the following:

  • osteoarthritis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • strains
  • sprains
  • bursitis
  • herniated disc
  • Lupis
  • Bursitis

…And other injuries to your joints. A joint pain can range from mild(acute) to more irritating(chronic). Even the smallest amount of joint pain can take you away from your daily living. But all that starts bad doesn’t need to end that way.

Whatever the cause of your joint pain, you can manage it with 3 solutions:

  1. Medication
  2. Physical therapy
  3. Alternative treatments

Do you need to do all 3? Quite honestly, you’ll be doing yourself a favor by 1st – stopping the pain signals with medication, 2nd-applying physical therapy to strengthen and make your joints more flexible, and 3rd-the alternative treatments that are natural will help soothe, and repair your joints from further inflammation.

You should see a doctor to figure out a diagnosis and best treatment. Your overall goal is to reduce:

  • pain
  • inflammation
  • preserve joint function

In my article, I will further sum up how to treat a joint pain, and its treatments for your lower back pain joints, along with:

  1. Giving you an overview of your joint anatomy
  2. Why you get joint pain
  3. The types of Joint pain
  4. How you can fix your joints

If you’re ready to jump in, lets get it started!

The Location Of Your Joints

Have you ever asked yourself why your back gets worse after the initial muscle pain? The answer is less surprising than you think.

Your joints are at fault, but are not the ones to blame. When your muscles become sore, and eventually lead to a chronic muscle pain, its more likely for your joints to take the pressure.

The pressure first points to your lumbar spine, this is your first red flag. Your lumbar spine is connected with fibrous tissues, vertebrae, disc, and nerves. Your spine also has joints similar to your:

  • knees
  • elbows

One problem that causes our knees to give out is from tough use such as high impact activities, but did you know your herniated disc is likely the problem?

When we sit, bend over, twist and turn, our herniated disc gets compressed and pushes back against the spinal nerves. In return we get a shooting pain down or leg and back up to our brain(better known as nephropathy). The nerve ending connecting to the back end of your spine is also connected to your knees nerve endings. Its no wonder the smallest things like standing up or walking make it seem like your knees will give out at any moment.

If you’re dealing with knee pain due to your lower back, you’ll find out how to go about knee pain treatment as you read on.

And then there’s a term we’ve all heard about…Facet Joints. You;re about to find out why its so important to understand this function of your body.

The best way I can describe your facet joints are like a finger like deformation, linking each vertebrae together. They are located at the posterior(back) of your spinal column.

But wait, there’e more responsibility they take on all for themselves…

They help make your spine flexible and allow you to move:

  • forward
  • backward
  • side to side

Down we move to the next location – its all in the hips.

If you suddenly stand up from your chair, its a tall telling sign your Sacroiliac joint(SI Joint) is acting up. But I’m here to make sure it doesn’t get the best of you!

There are two located at your lower back, sitting to the side of your spine. Their main function is to carry the weight of your upper body as you:

  • stand
  • walk
  • shift

You can find them exactly right here:

Let’s now take things a step further and learn more about these two different types of joints responsible for irritating you on a daily basis.

The Different Types Of Joint Pain

There are two very different joints I covered right above that when they work in sync, will let you live your best life.

One of those being facet Joints. In this next segment, I will not only explain to you about it, but I’ll give you my 6 clues that its your facets.

We all lift something heavy at a point in our lives, or we twist, turn, bend, and move forward in an increased motion state. But what if you have acute, and chronic pain with no apparent cause?

Your facet joints could be in trouble. Its quite freaky to think, but more so when you feel it. The good thing is, its not unknown.

Your facet joints enable you to flex in any direction as you move, and limits your range of motion. However, there are circumstances when your cartilage wears out, and thins that’s when the pain begins. These factors cause facet joint pain, and will likely apply to you:

  • aging(wear and tear)
  • obesity(extra weight)
  • trauma to your spine
  • an injury
  • jobs
  • arthritis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • osteoarthritis
  • Lupis
  • Bursitis

…All these can cause risk factors for facet joint damage.

How so you spot out if you’re having a facet joint pain, if you’ve either never had a back pain, or constantly do but don’t know the cause?

Here are the 6 clues: 

  1. When you press on your skin, the area will feel tender, may cause soreness, and your muscles will tighten because of the pressure of the movement.
  2. You get unpredictable and constant pain that last for about months
  3. When you bend forward or to the side, it may not hurt, but when you bend backwards, well you’ll definitely feel an OUCH
  4. There are times where the localized pain is in your upper body, with shooting or burning pain, to your shoulders, and upper body but not into your arms and fingers.
  5. A herniated disc presses into your facet joint and in all causes your nerves to shoot pain into your buttocks and down your legs
  6. If you sit for long periods of time with aggravating pain, or ride in a car and feeling intolerable pain.

The facet joints counterpart is the Sacroiliac Joint(SI Joint).

Most lower back pain is not a problem of the spine, but the pelvis and hips. It’s in this area you find the sacroiliac joint. The pain might feel:

  • dull
  • sharp

But here’s the reason why it hurts so much. It makes a move into your:

  • thighs
  • groin
  • buttocks
  • upper back

Has there ever bot been a time we’ve stood up and triggered a shooting pain? Most likely not. Standing up triggers your SI joint to react against you. Two years ago, back in 2016, I couldn’t figure out why the right side of my body felt literally like hell.

I searched for answers, and eventually talked to my doctor. He informed me, that the pain came from my SI Joint. That’s because the SI Joint has never endings to either side that trigger pain signals directly to one side of the body.

Another telling sign is pain that hurts in the mornings, but gets better throughout the day.

Why is it happening?

Like any other form of pain, it begins with inflammation. It all starts when your SI Joint gets inflamed. Two of the most common ways to get it are by:

  • sports
  • falls
  • hereditary

Which brings me to a short story.

At the top of my soccer career a few years back, it was game day.

In the 77th minute of the second half, I went up for a 50-50 ball(in the air). I took a bump off the other player, and as gravity pulled me back down, I landed terribly on my back. I was carried off the field, and later found evidence of not only my lumbar spine in doubt, but I constantly ever 5 minutes felt throbbing in my pelvic region.

The doctor said it was my SI Joint throbbing on my right side of the body. To this day even when I’m not feeling pain in this region, I can tell what dysfunction its caused…

One of my legs is slightly longer than the other, and when I’m jogging, I take uneven strides. This is a sign of SI Joint pain. Its famous in the arthritis world too. People who have arthritis cause a anakalysis spondyletheis.

In the next part you’ll learn how to fix your joint pain.

How To Fix Your Joint Pain, All For One, One For All!

You’ll want to learn about the #1 joint supplement I’ve been using to not only help with my joint inflammation, but repair it so that less inflammation occurs. But for now let’s focus on a step by step plan.

Don’t be troubled by a joint pain, its a normal part of our aging process. What you should be more concerned with is how you to treat it.Not by Luck but by great faith, there are ways to fix the issues of joint pain not only in the short run, but the long run. Healthier joints mean a more dominant you, and active lifestyle.

Having a joint pain is not always specific to your spine, it’s as much of a reflection to your joints up, down, and all around your body. So let’s start by covering how to treat a joint pain that is non-related to a spinal problem. Take these steps to heart:

  1. Exercise. Successful long term joints include exercises with a physical therapist or performed by yourself once you’re ready to do so. If you’re ready to give exercising your joints a go, check this very important “how to” article.
  2. Heat or cold. Hot packs, heat wraps, baths, are good sources of heat to alleviate episodes of lower back pain. And on the cooler end: ice gel packs like this one are the best to help with alleviate your future episodes.
  3. Changes in daily activities. Taking a shorter commute to work or to a place, taking more frequent breaks at work or around the house will reduce the risk for pain.
  4. Anti-inflammatory. Using anti-inflammations like NSAIDs – ibuprofen, and CO2 inhibitors such as Celebrex will maximize your healing rate.
  5. Good posture. When you’re driving in your car, pull the seat up closer, or sitting at your desk at work, pull in closer to your screen and table. Or if you’re standing at the sink try to maintain a straight spine.

Hey, what good are these treatments, if they don’t relate to an actual diagnosis? Well before you begin shouting and heading the other direction, I’m about to reveal to you what to do under each and every joint pain possible, and how to properly fix them.

Natural Remedies:

I want to start off with natural remedies, and the reason for that is because this is the single most potent and powerful way of getting the core of your joint pain. It’s time that you complete stop trying to mask your pain away with painkillers, or your beliefs that If you just don’t think about it, the pain will just disappear. Like I say in my whisper voice:

That will not cut it.

Here’s what can happen if you go about treating it the quick and short term way:

  1. More prone to future injuries-could cause pain to travel to your spinal facet joints, and cause spinal stenosis.
  2. You’ll constantly get inflammation that will then turn into aches and pains all around your lower back
  3. You’ll lose mobility

All it takes is a single movement to go from a small amount of pain to sever chronic pain, and from chronic pain to sciatica. But back to natural remedies for now.

Take a close look at these best natural remedies:

1. Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondotrin

  • Glucosamine and sulfate work together well to create a more natural fluid in and around your joints(also known as your synovial fluid). It’s main function is to create your cartilage-the network of strong fibrous tissues that protect your joints from getting banged up when you make slow or strong movements, like twisting, bending, and pulling. Without enough of it in your body, your will NOT be able to protect and produce further cartilage.
  • Chondotrin. Many people who have arthritis and especially osteoarthritis(but not limited to), need to make sure they have enough flexibility and fluidity between there joints, and ligaments. What chondotrin does is maintain that fluid built up from the Glucosamine, and adds flexibility to your joints.

These two ingredients are like what batman and robin are to fighting crime. Think of the chondotrin as the inhibitor that comes in to mop up, and give you joints much more ease, and then the glucoasmine comes in to be the “headline” hero in the newspaper. Glucosamine will just start to repair your cartilage, and make you feel less pain every time you go for a walk, or exercise for that matter.

How can you use them?
You can find these two ingredients in foods, but like anything that needs to calm down your inflammation, you need a more concentrated, and higher dosage. So, most people find that supplements will help do the trick.  Extensive research shows that supplements with these two chemical compounds are enough to alleviate not only your knee pain, but pain that can lead into your facet joints. See the #1 supplement of choice right here.

2.  Use Turmeric

Have I mentioned the word “Turmeric” yet?(besides the one from a second ago). Let’s roll with it. Turmeric has super powerful anti-inflammatory properties, but only when used right. As yummy as it is to bite into, it’s therapeutic properties are not matched. You’ll benefit from taking turmeric as a supplement because of a couple factors:

  • Higher dosage
  • The drive of curcumin

Imagine eating a blend of your favorite soup with about 5mg of Turmeric powder or turmeric root, and now jack that up with your joint supplement, OH MAN!  You have a recipe for not only eating better, but producing significantly higher ways to heal the right way.

Now to curcumin. It’s not as complicated as the pronunciation of the word is, trust me. Curcumin is a natural anti-oxidant that promotes for you less inflammation. But how?

Each time you supplement, the curcumin acts in response to block inflammation from coming back to the area of your pain. And you know far too well that less inflammation means less pain. I will not go too far deep into it, you can see about turmeric and curcumin here if you’d like, but turmeric and curcumin together are mother natures most natural anti-inflammatory combo.

What to do?

Clearly, there are so many options to be amazed at, but what will be the front runner? Is it exercise, heat and cold therapy, maybe it’s natural supplements. Do the following and you’ll see immediate results:

For Acute Pain:

  1. Test and Test. Just because your joints hurt, it doesn’t always mean you can’t exercise. Try to stretch, and go for a walk, but don’t push yourself if you can’t. What this will do is show you where you stand; exactly where and when it comes and goes. It’s highly likely that you will be able to return to activities without extensive treatment, but I would still highly advise going for a natural treatment like the natural choices seen here, as opposed to drugs.

For Chronic lower back Pain:

Chronic lower back pain can be a disgust, it can hurt your spine, and most times just be a constant heckle in all other non-specific areas to your spine, like you knees. When your joints take the “load”, your spine will come down crumbling, and your lower back pain will become restless and relentless. Who wants that?? Luckily, there are some things you can do:

  1. Exercise. Getting up and moving is the single best thing you can do for your joints. Something as simple as walking can give your joints more strength and flexibility. But if you can’t bear to walk, then I highly suggest you look into water exercises. Briefly, the water will cushion your joints so you don’t feel pain, like in the ways you would if you were walking on land.
  2. Over the counter medications. An over the counter medication like a cream will drop your symptoms from 100 to 0 real quick. I know for a fact that creams work very well before and so much better after a workout, as well as for everyday use. Check out these best pain relief creams.
  3. If these two are not convincing factors, or if you want a secondary action to trying to get up and doing your day to day activities, try a joint supplement. Not only will they alleviate your pain, but you’ll be able to get into workout mode without having to worry about feeling pressure in your joints. For chronic pain, with lower back pain, and arthritis, I highly suggest you look at these top two joint supplements.
  4. Heat therapy. Heat is a natural source of energy that makes a fast pain relief remedy. The heat will soothe your achy joints, and reduce stiffness. Make sure you’re doing your icing and heating the right way.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain:

If you have sacroiliac Joint pain, there’s many treatments for it like any other form. The best way to get started is by seeing your doctor,  he is likely to tell you to lay off sports and activities(sadly, it happened to me). And it’s even most likely he’ll prescribe you prescription drugs. Along with these two steps, devote yourself to these other things you can do for yourself:

  1. Physical therapy. The #1 way to treat any injury is by exercise. They can improve strength and make you more flexible. Its so effective because you’ll break bad habits that caused your SI Joint pain in the begging, and everything thereafter. Here’s an article to help you fix your hip pain with exercises.
  2. Heat and cold treatment
  3. Cortisone injections. A cortisone injection will reduce your inflammation.
  4. Chiropractic treatment
  5. Sciatica Nerve. Sometimes your SI joint pain comes from the sciatic nerve.
  6. Supplement it

24 more powerful tips for reducing joint and inflammation…Naturally

Want to know how to exactly eliminate your inflmmation and prevent it from EVER happening again?

Try these 21 powerful hacks and tips.

  • Sleep.
  • Hydrate
  • Take Omega 3’s.
  • Get your greens.
  • Improve gut health.
  • Use turmeric and ginger tea.
  • Take Epsom-salt baths.
  • Magnesium.
  • Essential Oils.
  • Infared Sauna.
  • Tart Cherry Juice.
  • Turmeric.
  • Ginger
  • Cayenne
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Devils Claw
  • Cryotherapy
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Tai Chai
  • Matcha Tea
  • Peppermint
  • Massages
  • Cannabis

Places Above and Beyond:

In very rare circumstances you might need surgery. No, not surgery! I know how it feels to be faced with that thought, but it’s not how your reality needs to always be. Make sure you try everything above that I laid out, and trust me, you will be in the best of hands.

In my experience, I used all the treatments I’ve laid out just for you with the addition of one extremely powerful and effective formula for completely wiping out pain and inflammation. As we age, our joints can no longer create enough enzymes in our body, specifically known as proteolytic enzymes. To quickly shut down chronic and sciatica inflammation, I’ve tried:

  • Inversion therapy
  • heat and cold therapy
  • TENS machines
  • Various supplements

…And I learned each has their own place and purpose. Like for example, supplements come in all different shapes, sizes, and healing benefits. And for this case, for chronic lower back pain and severe sciatic pain, you’ll need the right formula. No Pain relief cream, inverting, or other conservative treatment can bring the BANG BANG in delivering you the goods, like a supplement can. Most are phony, and some are just a disgrace, but the one I’m about to show you is none of that.

.A Dose of Heal-N-Soothe will restore your optimal circulating enzyme levels quickly so you can feel better fast, and not have to waste your day. Here is mine:

Over the past year and a half, I’ve been able to regain the quality of:

  • exercising
  • fewer aches and pains
  • a healthier cardiovascular system
  • stronger immune system

…And I can do the necessary tasks day to day to rebuild my lower back. Here’s a short video of my explaining more showing and thoroughly explaining what heal n soothe can do for you:

If you’d like to learn about the best joint supplement for severe chronic lower back pain with sciatica and joint pain, see my full review right here.

No Room For Joint Pain When You’ve Got The Right Attitude

You’ve learned that even when you don’t see your joints, you know they are there because you can feel it hurting. By understanding and seeing the location of both the facet joints and Sacroiliac Joints(SI Joint), you can gain a better idea as to why these two alone can cause a storm of lower back pain.

It’s important to hear why you keep getting joint pain, as much as the different types. And most significantly, is how you go about treating, and fixing them – by making them stronger.

I’ve never come across a person who didn’t have even the slightest joint pain. I would always ask the same question to each individual when I have the opportunity:

“What is it stopping you from doing?”

I always hear things most common like: working, exercising, standing up, walking, but nothing could compare to a more specific answer…

Enjoying the activities with my family.

That’s why I’ve come to not only share with you what I’ve had to get through to heal, but for each person I help bounce back, my thanks by pass me and go straight to the man I trust deeply above(God).

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, opinions, or want to share an experience you have with me, please write me a comment just below. I’ll be happy to hear from you.

“The greatest wealth is health.”


The Remove Back Pain System

The #1 way to bring your joints to optimal success is through exercise. Continue with our Remove Back Pain System and learn how to use exercises to feel stronger right here


About the author

Hi My name is Michael Granados, I am of the age of 26 years, and I’m a back pain specialist, enthusiast, and expert. All of us have had or will have lower back pain at least once in our lives, and whether it’s acute or a more chronic condition, you can depend on us here at Remove Back Pain to take great care of you. I ensure you’ll take the right and most appropriate steps for you to heal the safest and most productive way. Get ready for a better lifestyle!

  • I think I can start exercising as my friends also suggested me to do so However I am doing intermittent fasting and I wonder what would be the ideal time to exercise?

    • Hi Clifford. Many people have. A joint issue, and many often tend to make it worse because of not knowing how to properly treat it. The main line of defense should be a protyoletic enzyme that reduced the fibrin from building up your inflammation. And as we get older we lose enzymes and therefore more scaring occurs. Thank you.

  • I know there are 1001 types of join pain and many reasons why they occur, especially as you get older. I think sufferers do need some sort of medical assistance whether it’s medication or movement therapy.

    My Other ;Arf insists that all joint pains can be healed by exercise. She suffers from a knee pain and was told years ago that she’d eventually need a new knee. However, she thinks by walking for miles everyday she’s helping it. Is that right? I don’t think so?

    Also, I have lower back pain and take Ibuprofen if I know I have a lot of walking to do to stave off inflammation. She thinks I should just walk more and ignore the pain! Who’s right?

    • Hi Ian. Yes, there are many factors, and I listed the most broad on my page, but it can literally happen with any movement. I believe that all joint pains can be healed by exercise, as you work to strengthen the muscles around it, and in doing so lessens pressure on your joints. Not necessarily, and here’s why. There’s a misconception. It depends on the condition of the patient. Let’s say for example, someone with osteoarthritis will have a tougher time, because the synovial fluid can get inflammated, it will clutter excessively, and this will cause more soreness and inflammation. Along with that, cartilage will wear and tear out, supporting the bones and joint far less. So walking will help strengthen the ligaments, and muscles surrounding the joint, therefore the joint will tighten and stay in place making it easier to move. The time is more important than walking miles everyday. Adding at least 10 minutes per day-breaking it up throughout the course of let’s say a week will be more than enough to strengthen the muscles and ligaments around it while lessening pressure on the joints. Too much can aggravate it and cause more soreness- and further problems. Keep
      Walking that’s fine. Try swimming, it’s lower impact and can be done for more time in a session. I’ve had more back problems, but I’ve had a fair share of knee issues and I can say walking will suffice, but that pool is way better. That’s why supplements are important because with the right one it gradually increases your range, cause fewer aches and pains the next day. That’s what heal-n-soothe brings to the table. You don’t need all the walking. And when you do walk with it, it helps much more. It let’s you perform everything else you need to do to strengthen without pain. Hope this helped. Let me know if you have further questions Ian.

    • Hi Evan. Great questions, I have plenty of recommended exercises. And before I jump right in I’ll say that it’s best to keep it at low impact and moderate to begin. For 1.walking. It’s a great activity to stretch out your ligaments, give your muscles a workout, and relieve the stress and pressure on your joints. The added benefit is loss of weight(which extra weight places stress on the joint). #2 and my favorite – get in the water. Exercising in the water will soothe your joints while stretching your muscles. It’s much more low impact than being on land(walking), and you can do a lot more if your pain is more severe. In this motion, your joint is more stabilized, and you’ll not feel the pain. I get in the water in the summer for every opportunity I get. Great results. 3. Weights. Such as squats, and hamstring machine presses. In these exercises you’re looking to isolate your joint while strengthening your muscles and ligaments. A resistance band is fantastic. I’ve been using it a ton. The one I like is the hamstring stretch, where you’re on your back, one leg on the air, the other one straight on the bottom, and the resistance band over the foot in the air. You pull back and feel hamstring stretch. Another one is the lizard lunge, where you’d put one foot in from with the other behind, and your lean forward. Here’s my article to help with more joint exercises. http://temp-removebackpain.siterubix.com/index.php/2018/05/12/how-to-exercise-with-lower-back-pain-one-move-at-a-time/

      One I do every day is yoga, specifically vinyasa. It’s a variation of where your doing stretches while focusing on movement, this will help strengthen the joint. One specifically is the child’s pose. Where you’re on your 4, and on your knees. From here, place your arms out in front of you, and arch your back, keeping your head down. Now you exhale as you push back, holding it for at least 10 seconds, and inhale as you stretch back out, going forward. Its extremely helpful for your facet joints to find relief. Please let me know if you have any more questions. I’ll be happy to help 🙂

    • Hi Laura, great point! you know, I’ll need to include these, as I do have them in my other how to exercise post. http://temp-removebackpain.siterubix.com/index.php/2018/05/12/how-to-exercise-with-lower-back-pain-one-move-at-a-time/
      But to go off that point, I specifically mean the following are great: 2. Walking 2.swimming 3. Weights 4.yoga and Tai chai 5. Both a combination of aerobic, weight and stretches. I’d like to recommend first low impact activities. Start at walking if your pain is severe and you can’t bare to do much of else. A short 15 minute a day is sufficient, you don’t need to over work your joints(you’ll feel it in the morning). While walking at a slow pace, you’ll begin to strengthen your muscles, and ligaments, while isolating the joint. It’ll greatly reduce lower back pain. There’s also fast walking, and walking with an accessory closest to your body while walking up a hill. You’ll work against gravity but it’ll increase joint support-once you’re ready to do so. #3 is yoga. Yoga is single handily the best exercise today for your joints. With the style “vinyasa” that I do, you’ll focus on strengthening your muscles while giving your joints constant relief and range of motion. Try out “child’s pose” steps: 1.,while on all fours, stretch your arms out in front of you keeping them extended and in front of your shoulders 2. Arch your back just a little until your head is closest to the ground. Put your head down, and from this position, bend back towards your hips slowly, exhale, and hold it in position for 10 seconds. Inhale as you slowly move forward moving back to the begging position. Repeat 3 more times, exercise #2. The bridge. Step 1. Lie your back on the ground. Bend your knees and keep your feet on the ground. 2. Keep your arms to your side. 3. Now, slowly raise up off the ground vertebrae by vertebrae, until your parallel. Hold for 15 seconds exhaling, and then come back down vertebrae by vertebrae. Repeat it at least 3 more times. You can do weights as long as you’re cleared by your doctor to do so. I do hamstring curls. They work well for isolating hip movement while working on my knees. Jogging can be done if you’re experiencing leg and sciatica pain, and if you have that, run a rubber surface like a track. But with more problems like I encountered with disc degeneration and herniated disc it can actually worsen the pain. When a herniated disc were to heal, you’d be able to run a little more comfortably. It all depends on what stage you’re in and if you’ve checked with your doctor. Please let me know if you have further questions. I’m working on having a separate page that outlines the stretches for joint pain and exercises. Hint: be on the look for that. Thank you 🙂

  • Hi Michael. I have suffered back pain for many years. I have to do a series of exercises every morning just so I can do another days work. I also have both osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. I was brought up drinking lots of milk and loving cheese, so I’m not sure how I managed to end up with osteoporosis. Your article is very informative and has some great suggestions on how to handle the pain. I look forward to further posts. All the best Jim

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