
10 Foods That Stop Inflammation – Faster And More Effectively In The Long Run

By Michael

June 12, 2020

Are you ready to put an end to your relentless and life-interrupting inflammation faster and easily with the 10 Foods That Stop Inflammation dead in its tracks?

Does this sounds familiar...You’re shifting, turning and desperately waiting for an end to your pain but it just keeps gushing through like a geyser and then it REALLY starts…

You begin a slow and painful day to day journey where you can’t snap out of it? Believe me, I know what you’re going through! Luckily you’re one of the few who’s made it to this article to find out what the 10+ best healing foods that will get not only stop but get rid of your inflammation.

But before I reveal them to you, why is this post any different than any old medical website like WebMd and what makes us different?

I “Michael Granados” have been in your shoes! Unlike these “ghost writers” for those medical sites, we actually have people here who’ve suffered and don’t just talk fluff and theory. That’s why I’ve made it my duty to make sure you get the best of the best AND updated information, how’s that sound to you?

Let’s get started!

5 worst foods for inflammation

What good is just knowing the right foods to eat if you don’t have a plan for which ones you shouldn’t eat?

Knowledge is power, and I want to start off by putting you into the mode of the 5 Worst foods to avoid if you have:

  • Acute inflammation
  • Chronic Inflammation

Whether you have back pain, arthritis or any other form of a diagnosis and symptom that’s causing you to flare up like a burning house - We’ve got your back here at Remove Back Pain...Literally.

First off, I bet you didn’t know all fruits and vegetables aren’t good for your body, they actually cause inflammation at it’s worst! When you eat food your body produces too much protein and that’s what your doctors don’t tell you, thus clotting your flow of blood and causes you join irritation.

This is why taking NSAIDS are a terrible solution, it just masks the pain and NEVER gets rid of your actual inflammation.

Worst Food #1: High Fructose Corn Syrup

high fructose corn syrup

Studies show that High Fructose corn syrup causes obesity,. Where you can find it?

  • In Salad Dressings
  • Yogurt
  • Breads
  • Granola bars
  • Breakfast cereals

A downside most people and yourself might not know is that it actually breaks down your joints...faster. Drinks like apple juice which contain high levels of Fructose corn syrup actually increase your inflammation.

Worst Food #2: Blackened And Barbecued Foods

barbecued foods

When you cook foods at high temperatures like when you’re grilling, charbroiling, barbecuing and frying, it produces what’s called AGE’s which are proteins that are formed into a dangerous sugar compound that go on to affect EVERY cell in your body and don’t get me started…

It’s been linked to:

  • Premature Aging
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis

In a 2011 study published journal of the Arthritis Research and Therapy, researchers found that people with the highest level of AGE’s in their bodies also had the most severe cases of arthritis, and those with fewer levels had mild cases of arthritis.

How To Fix Your Levels Of AGE’s

  • Try stewing
  • Boiling
  • Braising
  • Steaming
  • Pressure Cooking
  • Or Slow cooking your meals in a crock pot


If you suffer from arthritis, you know your inflammation isn’t short term...it’s unhealthy and ongoing. And unlike just a cut which sends these white blood cells to defend against your pain kind of like a bunch of cops rushing to the crime scene to hel you - your joints will continuously experience swelling, burning, and pain.

And if you want to get rid of it, you NEED to know where this protein is coming from because your doctors won’t tell you…

And that dangerous protein doesn’t start out as one of the bad guys, it’s called Fibrin that is. At first it’s an important part of your body’s natural healing process, when you get hurt this Fibrin rushes to the scene of your inflammation…

But when you keep eating the wrong foods, this Fibrin keeps piling on top of your inflammation which stops your flow of Oxygen.

Worst Food #3: Artificial Trans Fats

artificial tran fats

What types of foods are these?

  • Biscuits. Frozen Biscuits contain as much as 3.5 grams of trans fats per serving.
  • Popcorn. Contain up to 5 grams of trans fat per serving. 
  • Non-dairy coffee creamers.  These have .5 grams of trans fats in each one!

The American Heart Association found out that artificial trans fats raise bad cholesterol. And increase your risk of:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • And a stroke

And also, these trans fat foods rapidly build up Fibrin in your body which if you read in the arthritis portion up above earlier, are there to help get rid of your inflammation but too much of it adds pressure and clogs your inflammation which actually makes it worse thus making you lose levels of Oxygen.

No Oxygen means terrible inflammation and pain.

Worst Food #4: Night Shade Vegetables

night shade vegetables

Vegetables are supposed to be good for you right?

Then why are they on the list? Certain ones actually spike up your inflammation, and these include:

  • Potatoes
  • tomatoes
  • eggplants
  • And Peppers

Why are these bad?

They affect your calcium metabolism in your body. These will most likely lead to calcium deposits in your tendons, ligaments, tissues and all around joints.

Worst Food #5: Sugar


Of course this sounds like a no-brainier answer, but is it?

Sugar is so bad for your joints and all types of pains that many people label it as the “white devil” (not joking here).


Okay, all jokes aside...

Other sub categories of sugars that are bad for your inflammation are refined carbohydrates, and these refined-carbohydrates are man-made sugars and starches that don’t exist in nature and you can find them in:

  • Cakes
  • Cookies
  • Waffles
  • Crackers
  • Cereal
  • Bagels
  • And Pretzels

Now that you know the Worst Foods to avoid, let’s look at the brighter side with the 10+ best foods for your inflammation.

10+ Amazing Foods That Stop Inflammation...Faster and Effectively

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10+ Foods That Set You FREE From Inflammation - And BOOST Your Health

10 foods that stop inflammation
  1. Fruits And Vegetables. Are you getting your daily dosage of vitamin and nutrition from fruits and vegetables? Notice how I said "AND", you need to combine foods like:
  • Tart cherries
  • Blueberries
  • Pineapples
  • Strawberries
  • Sprouting broccoli
  • Omega rich 3 nutrients
  • Avocados
  1. Whole Grains. You can eat whole grains like oats, Rye, and Wholegrain Barley.
  2. Beans. Beans are a great source of fiber as you may already know, but did you know that they provide rich protein folate, iron, potassium and magnesium too? Plus, they don't contain any(or very little of) saturated fats, trans-fats, sodium, and cholesterol.
  3. Nuts. These are a natural inflammation fighter and not only contain omega-3 fats but also antioxidants as well vitamins and dietary fibers and magnesium all which play a crucial role in moderating your inflammation.
  1. Fish. Fish is an import source of omega-3 rich fats and the anti-inflammatory healthy fats inside are known to help prevent cancer, arthritis, heart disease and much more.

Research shows that women with the highest omega-3 fat intakes had a 44% increased chance of passing away from inflammatory diseases compared with woman who ate the least.

  1. Herbs and Spices.
  2. Broccoli. Packed with LOADS of vitamin C and K, folate, and fiber, you'll get a kick of ant-inflammatory nutrients into your body. Broccoli is especially rich in anti-oxidants like flavonoids, kaempferol and quercetin, as well a variety of carotenoids.
  3. Olive Oil. Olive Oil contain a natural anti-inflammatory agent and having it for breakfast will greatly reduce your stress and overwhelm.
  4. Blueberries. Rich in antioxidants and help ward of inflammation and stress. Eating it for 6 weeks and while doing heavy exercises like weight lifting will actually help fight off inflammation against your stressed out muscles.
  5. Tart Cherries. Rich in antioxidants that carry very powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. Studies show that consuming tart cherry juice reduces important markers of inflammation
  6. Kelp. Kelp carries a complex carbohydrate which I won’t even name here as well chlorophyll which have powerful anti-inflammatories.
  7. Fermented Foods. Sour Krout for example is rich in bacteria and known as probiotics 
  8. Papaya. I eat this on a daily but not in it’s actual fruit like form. This tropical fruit contains the enzymes “Papain” which help lower inflammation. And in addition, it’s a rich source of antioxidants like:
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • And Beta Keratin

By the way, I made a special post that reveals the best supplement with Papaya in it that'll reduce your joint pain, if you want to see here.

  1. Green Tea. Nothing like green tea in the morning or evening don’t you say? Rich in anti-inflammatory compounds flavanoids, green tea has been known to actively increase anti-inflammatory substances in your body. 

Broccoli is known to help fight off inflammation very well, as it targets parts of your respiratory system.

Related: 10+ Best Healing Foods For Your Back Pain

10+ Amazing Foods That Stop Inflammation...Faster and Effectively

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Closing Thoughts(And Next Steps)

What did you think about these 10+ foods that'll help stop your inflammation?

There are many types of food categories to select from but one thing is for sure...

You need to make it count! You shouldn't spread yourself thin but rather adapt to avoiding all the bad foods causing inflammation and integrate all these foods that stop your inflammation...on a consistent basis.

Now that you know about the 10+ best foods that'll stop your inflammation, how about learning about the most powerful supplement that packs a punch of anti-inflammatory all-natural ingredients so you can get back on your feet faster and living the life you want to live?

P.S. I also made you a video that shows "Acute Inflammation vs Chronic Inflammation you can check out below.


About the author

Hi My name is Michael Granados, I am of the age of 26 years, and I’m a back pain specialist, enthusiast, and expert. All of us have had or will have lower back pain at least once in our lives, and whether it’s acute or a more chronic condition, you can depend on us here at Remove Back Pain to take great care of you. I ensure you’ll take the right and most appropriate steps for you to heal the safest and most productive way. Get ready for a better lifestyle!

  • Hi Michael. I agree with you, one needs to adapt your lifestyle to insure a healthy body. This way everyone could avoid ailments, conditions or diseases. Eating correctly is so important. Thank you for the article it was very informative.

    • Hi Felicity,

      Exactly Right? It’s ultimately the responsibility of the individual to adopt and adapt to the lifestyle of a healthier body if they truly want to live a life of pain free inflammation. You’re right on point. The key word your said their is “avoid”, and I think most people want to avoid pain and inflammation type foods but they don’t want it bad enough…or they cheat themselves into thinking one bad meal won’t hurt. Maybe not in the end when the person is feeling well but in the beginning it takes time.

      We all struggle to eat the right foods everyday don’t get me wrong, but if we can properly treat our brains to not react to these dopamine hits of easily wanting what you can get, that’ll help. You are very welcome! Thanks for your comment.


  • Thanks for sharing the great content! It let me know more and understand what’s the bad & good food suit for me. Need slowly to try out and change my habit.

    Keep it up for more great content!

    • Hi Samuel,

      You are very welcome. I’m glad you were able to understand more about what the bad and good food is for you and your own needs. Everyone’s body is different and react differently, so it’s important that you take the necessary steps for your own situation and not compare to another’s. Yeah, slowly and gradually you’ll get there!

      The hardest part in the beginning is not only accepting the change but forming the daily habits to make it real. Reach out to me if you need any help with recipes and other things to.

      Thank you,

  • Hi Michael, I really enjoyed reading your article, I don’t sufferer from back pain but I do suffer from neck pain and migraine which I believe to be brought about by inflammation so I do think your pst is still helpful to me.
    I must admit I do find sugar to be a definite trigger so when you mentioned that it really made sense.
    I am going to try to avoid the other inflammatory causing foods and eat more of the good stuff you suggested.
    Thank you for the great advise.

    • Hi Amy,

      I’m happy to know you enjoyed the article! Oh really? Yes you’re right, your neck pain and migraine is onset by an inflammatory response. Yeah, sugar is like the most used food on a daily basis for everyone, and I know how hard it is to curb away from eating it…takes time let’s just say that.

      Good. If you don’t try, you’ll never know, right? All the power to you. I wish you the best!


  • Thank you so much for this highly informative article, Michael! As someone who has had back problems since suffering a basketball injury in 7th grade, I am always looking for ways to eliminate my back pain, soreness, and stiffness. I try to exercise and loosen my back regularly, which does help, but the complications start back up again a few hours later. I want to kill these back problems once and for all. Haha I am definitely trying to eat better these days, and I am going to take your food tips to heart. God bless you!

  • Hi Michael,

    Thanks so much for writing this very informative article.

    I have to say though, you just poo-pooed every food that I love in one post. (insert sarcasm here)

    I was also surprised to see that turmeric wasn’t on your list of good foods to eat for back pain. Isn’t it good for arthritis and body pain?

    In any case, thanks for putting this article together. Really appreciate all of your hard work.

    Another Michael

    • Hi Michael,

      You are very welcome! And thanks for your comment.

      Oh really? I’m sorry to be the one to break it(or poo on it) to you haha. All these foods are great to eat but not every single day and in higher moderation’s. AH yes, Turmeric! I still have a list of herbs and natural remedies over here I’d like to add to the post so it will go up soon, but yes, Turmeric is a super powerful healing food and one of the most common ones people use.

      Yes, Turmeric is excellent for arthritis and any type of body pain and ache. Specifically when it’s combined with the herb curcumin and even at times Bioprene. Thanks for pointing that out about Turmeric.

      I really appreciate your response here today.


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