
FlexiKold Gel Cold Pack Review – Flexing Your Way Out

By Michael

April 14, 2018

Product: FlexiKold Gel Cold Pack

Price: $13.99(Standard Retail Size)

Cheapest Place To Buy: Amazon

Size of Pack: 10.5″ x 14.5″

Guarantee: 100% money back guarantee

My Rating: 9.8/10


The FlexiKold Gel Cold Pack Overview

More often than not, after I had both a very long day at work, and a day of soccer practice on the same day, I would develop a back ache. When I was done, I wouldn’t think about wasting more time.

I would hurry on home. Soon after opening the front door, I would walk gingerly up to my freezer, reach in and grab a cool and refreshing ice gel pack. It was always the coldest thing in there!

The gel  comes in a standard, 10.5″ x 14.5″ size that will allow you to cover the entirety of your back.

The FlexiKold has a heavy-based nylon exterior, with doubled sealed seams making it durable for many years to come. This will cut out any unnecessary leaking.

It is a well crafted unit, and I will be walking you through some of my personal “favorite” aspects of the FlexiKold within my review.

A brief background about me and this product. One day in college, I was in my coaches’ office discussing classes, life, and soccer. I noticed he had a black square object sitting on the top of his award cabinet of all places!

I asked him what it was, and in response he told me it was an ice gel pack. From Who? FlexiKold…

He went on to tell me that he would have sudden back spasms every day, and that his inflammation kept responding back at him. He needed to specifically use an ice gel pack to get over the pain he had. I thought, that is no regular looking ice bag to me.

While on the job, he would use it at his desk while he was sitting down, and throughout his 30 minute breaks.

He then went on to tell me that there was another one he leaves at home inside his freezer. Two? Yes. No need to wait.

Solve Your Problem Away

Flexing has never been made this easy! literally. The gel cold pack technology will remain even the most flexible underneath the coldest temperature you have set on your freezer.

The mix of it being flexible and cold can allow you to place it on a more targeted area of your lower back, and will mold nicely without any manipulation. Think of it like a “shape shifter” outside and when placed back in a cold unit.

I like that you can use the FlexiKold anytime, in any place! I have come to gain more trust with this product because it promises me that I can use it when I am lying down, resting my back on a couch, and while on my chair.

Outside of practicality, I get great use from after lifting heavy objects at work right now, and especially after practice, games, and other sports I am involved in. I don’t know if you know yet but I played at one of the highest levels in soccer, so I needed relief more often that not.

Imagine twisting, placing your stance foot, turning left and right, along with front and back. It takes a tole on the body right?

I’d have to make re-occurring visits to the physical therapist for ice.

“Allow me to share a quick story?”…

I had a soccer game. I went up for a 50/50 challenge in the air, and when gravity brought me back down, I planted with my right foot to one side, leaning my body. I was in immediate pain.

I was sent in to see the therapist for a large amount of ice. My sports medicine therapist gave me a thorough look. Rachel told me that I would have to sit out for 3 practices at least, away from prolonged sitting in class, and to not lift heavy objects. What she told me next got thinking.

Rachel said I should be investing into a “Gel” cold pack. Like the one my coach has right? The FlexiKold. Yes! Rachel went on to tell me that she was advised by her colleagues(other physical therapist), and a couple healthcare professionals that this was relied by all the healthcare professionals she deals with.

I was told that this actually helped the best with inflammation. I went online and purchased my very own the same day.

It’s taken relaxing my mind to body to a whole new level…

When I am at home resting my lower back, the gel pack will ensure that I stay positioned so that I will not further aggravate the pain by plenty of movement. In doing so, better relief comes of it.

I made this area my routine environment:

Whenever you have your back flare up, and you need to Ice it, this gel pack will conform to your back in any environment you are in. Like me in my room, i can lay in bed and still enjoy time to myself.

How To Use The FlexiKold Gel Cold Pack

Generally, you will want to keep the gel pack in a cold compartment. Whether that be your ice bucket, or a freezer, you should leave it sitting for about 1-2 hours(the longer the better, for maximum freeze).Fold it up nice and tidy if need be with the rest of the food products in the freezer. This is the waiting period you’ve been anticipating for.

Now, remove the pack from the compartment, find your desired location to lay down, and place it in the area of treatment.

Leave it there for 20 minutes. For the best results lay down on your belly, to keep your back straight, and allow your vertebrae to breathe. Simple as that!

A Chronic Condition Note: When you have a chronic condition, it is best to apply this pad for 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off. Repeat for a total of 40 minutes.

What Does It Feature?

The Flexikold holds many benefits for me, and I know it can have the same effect for you. Here are what I am raving about:

  • Gels packs are mean to stay cold longer, bar none. This pack stay cool for just about an hour, longer than other ones I’ve tried.
  • MOST Flexible. Thanks to a professional grade gel interior, it can be easily bent to conform to your body
  • Constructed to a tea. On the outside lining of the gel pack, there is a double sealed seem, it helps to prevent any leaking. Durability at its finest.
  • No gravity. The gel will support your lower back without it shifting to one side like ice bags, and other cold packs do
  • Doesn’t sweat any water, so you don’t get any burn on your skin.
  • Reusable for year after year

 Want to see how cold a pack can get?…Take a look right here:

The Cost Savings Are A Bargain

The amount of time I’ve spent with a GEL cold pack does not compare to that of a standard cold or clay pack. I used to spend a decent chunk of my cash on cold therapy. It started off with bags of peas from the freezer(couldn’t use after eating), to cold packs like U-line that don’t last long, 3-4 days after us if that. I’d rack up about $24 for a total of two bags, in a month!

At a time I had inflammation come back a month after. I couldn’t afford to continue this type of spending for a small use. Then the FlexiKold Gel Cold Pack came into play. I’ll spend a little more for what I need, especially if it will last me years. There are different buying options.

  • Standard pack: 13.99
  • Standard two pack(10.5″ x 14.5″) = $26.99
  • Half size(7.5″ x 11.5″) = $10.99
  • Oversize(13″ x 21.5″) = $27.99

Is This What You’ve Been Looking For?

The gel pack most definitely has a wide range of features and benefits, but Let’s have a look to see if this is right for you.

It is for you if:

  • you are dealing with small acute lower back pain
  • you have chronic pain
  • are dealing with sciatic nerve pain
  • are recovering from a fresh surgery
  • have piformis syndrome
  • your L4, L5, S1 is an issue
  • deal with degenerative disc disorder
  • muscle spasms get in the way
  • have a sore lumbar
  • herniated disc
  • L4 and L5 is hurting
  • are on the go.
  • want more than one(not needed but an option)
  • you have constant flare ups
  • you want it to shape to your body
  • Physical therapy and a cold pack will help you
  • you do pre and post exercises

What Gets Me “HYPED” About This Product

I can’t say enough good things about it.


  • The design is phenomenal. I’ve never run into an ice pack that can deliver in all aspects.
  • The nylon exterior is better than vinyls. Vinyls can crack easier, causing leakage.
  • It’s simply flexible. I can bend it to my left, right, up, down, and backwards
  • Stays colder than any other packs I’ve tried, and delivers a frost look after removing from the freezer
  • Instant application, no need to wait to feel the exothermic energy of the cold pack on your body
  • Good for all levels of back pain, especially because of its sizes
  • weight is reasonable
  • I can fold it up easily into the freezer even with little to no space
  • Multi-functional. Use it at home, at my job, or while I’m at a sporting event
  • Stays cold outside freezer
  • Gets better with age. Helps a serious injury or recovery
  • Machine washable

…And way more!

  You can see the reactions of people through forums, and the analysis of a video like this one:



  • I would say the things I wouldn’t like is, that sometimes you have to be laying down for better use, but even that is not an issue. Other than that, I really don’t see other negatives.

Here are some Testimonials of patients, and people I know well

What Customers Are Saying

“I discovered PENETREX about 1 year ago and have been using it all along. I have chronic joint pain issues and of all products [which are safe and side effects free] Penetrex has been superior to. It truly gives me relief in the more acute phase as well as maintenance and certainly has very much reduced need for painmedication. Needless to say I have become a huge fan of Penetrex and recommend it highly – with the under standing that it is not a miracle treatment, which of course does not exist anywhere.But it gives me significant pain relief and is safe.”

Johanna H Gorman

“Penetrex provides effective relief when I have sore joints, tendons, or ligaments without the use of any NSAIDs. I find that it has a light pleasant odor that dissipates quickly – no one can tell that I’m using it. It is important to follow the directions on the label in order to get the maximum benefit. Initial dosing is more frequent (3-4 times per day) than some products and at least in my experience, this more frequent dosage is important to achieve the optimal effectiveness.”

Steven M Carter


Penetrex is the best product I’ve used for my lower back pain! This instantly helped my pain! Over constant use of this, I can really see the results. The more I constantly used this, the more results I saw for my long term health. I suffer from chronic back pain with degenerative disc issue, L3 herniation and arthritis pain. I have more relief now, don’t have to struggle with pain anymore and This product REALLY does work! Now I can do the little things I’ve had trouble doing before. I understand why they say this is the product out there! This is the #1 pain relieving, muscle relaxing, joint relieving and inflammation formulation product out there! Thank you for making me smile again. Your knowledge, advice and product saved my everyday life!

Peacehealth Medical

“This product is somewhat expensive a these kind of products go, but it seems to be helpful along with the exercises I am doing to reduce osteoarthritis pain and inflammation. I does not seem to require a lot of product to cover the needed area.”

Dr. D. Thomas Stone, Jr.


Penetrex is by far the best product I have ever used for my arthritis joint pain. It is a godsend. I am 71.5 years old and fairly active, work full-time, keep a vegetable garden here in South Florida, do a lot of lifting and carrying bags of soil and fertilizers, plus harvesting and pruning. Since I was 49 I have had arthritis in most of my joints, and my right knee was once so bad that the orthopedist wanted to replace the meniscus, but my family doctor gave me a cortisone shot, which allowed me to live with it. Each morning I apply Penetrex to my bad knee and my bad neck area, and it allows me to go almost pain-free until the next morning. When I am required to do extensive walking — such as days at Disney World or in the Everglades or some such attraction, I apply the Penetrex to my hips and knees, and by the next morning I am in almost no residual pain or discomfort. Over the years I have tried numerous arthritis products, mostly menthol-based, but also the capsaisin creams (I don’t take pain pills; never have), and not a one of them comes close to the relief of Penetrex. Sure, it isn’t cheap, but neither are E.D. tablets. Some things are just worth what you pay for them — Escalades, Corvettes and Penetrex. If you want pain relief, get it.

Rick Garr


My Mom is 84 and has terrible back and neck pain. She has been on narcotics for years and also has had many many injections.
This cream has provided her REAL relief and consequently she has reduced her morphine in half. She now only takes a single dose a day. When it came time for a neck injection, she did not need it. My Mom shared this cream with her neighbor who has a terrible injury to her hip joint. She too saw real relief and is now purchasing it. No clue how it works.
I praise and thank God that I stumbled upon it and purchased it. God’s Glory is seen in His Holy Face, Amen!



It works for me and gives me some relief. I think when it comes to pain relief, I believe that is the best praise you can give. I have chronic back issues, stemming from scholiosis & kyphosis which led to fractured vertebrae. My entire back in general is always sore and very stiff but the sharpest pain starts below the small of my back and wraps around my right hip and waist and can go down towards the groin. Using Penetrex has really helped. It doesn’t take away all my pain but it cuts off a large portion of it. I previously used icy hot, which did help but it never really felt like it was doing anything beneath the surface. With Penetrex, it does the same topical relief but then it also goes deeper into the muscle. It does take 5 – 10 minutes for it to really kick in but I can definitely tell when it does. To manage my pain, regular daily exercise is extremely important for me. Getting my back limber enough to exercise and getting the pain down some I’m not just in agony while working out is a real challenge. Penetrex is now part of my routine for exercise. It allows me to “get moving” and start my exercise. For me I think I can feel it actively working for 30 – 45 minutes. I’m sure it’s helping even longer but by that time the endorphins from the exercise is kicking in so it’s hard to determine. Sometimes I use it before bed especially if my muscles are inflamed.

The only con that I have is the price. It’s a bit pricey but no worse than any other ointments that I’ve tried. If you go to their website and register your email they will give you a small discount code that works on Amazon. Also I’ve learned that you don’t actually gave to apply to much Penetrex to an area for it to work. Just make sure you massage it in well.

So with all this being said, it works for me. It reduces my pain and makes my life more enjoyable by doing so. I am very thankful to the people who produce this product and am eager to try out future products they might create. I sincerely hope that this product will work for you too.

Josh P


Cleaning Up Made Easy

To summarize, there is a two-step process: 1. Fold up the pack(if need be) 2. Place it into the freezer(or any cold compartment). Done.

It Is Conclusive, The FlexiKold Ice Cold Gel Pack Will Cease The Pain

I have to say that I stay true behind what I say, and I mean it when I say I am a believer of this product. I've talked with many people and they say that they recommend it as well.

I know that we all have our stories about having a lower back problem, in according to inflammation. Sometimes you can solve it on your own, but when it comes to taking care of yourself, you want to make sure you take proper pre-cautions, and the with the right approach.

The FlexiKold can do much more than ease your lower back pain, it can give a pleasant feel to your back, through the heavy nylon coating, as it warrants off any leaking.

You don't have to worry about how it will be placed on your injured area, because it is flexible enough to mold to your body, and flexible enough to store in your freezer.

It helps when a cold pack can stay cold for an hour or so, this is important for icing on and off regularly when you need to for higher levels of lower back pain. The cost of one is enough to last for years, and even with two, you can have on the go, and one tucked away in storage for different activities of the day.

==> Go here if you want to find out more about the FlexiKold<==

If this sounds interesting to you, I would highly recommend you pick up your very own FlexiKold. I hope you enjoyed this review, and if you have any questions, or have an experience with this product, please leave me a comment down below.


About the author

Hi My name is Michael Granados, I am of the age of 26 years, and I’m a back pain specialist, enthusiast, and expert. All of us have had or will have lower back pain at least once in our lives, and whether it’s acute or a more chronic condition, you can depend on us here at Remove Back Pain to take great care of you. I ensure you’ll take the right and most appropriate steps for you to heal the safest and most productive way. Get ready for a better lifestyle!

  • Great review! I had a similar injury as you did and I’ve been stubborn for so long thinking an ice pack is an ice pack, but this investment looks worth it. Thanks for the great post!

    • Hi Eric,

      I know the feeling, I can relate. I started with the same attitude. You can make an argument that an ice pack helps but it doesn’t help out the muscles, ligaments enough, especially the nerves, and it’s irritating to the skin. The Flexikold makes an instant change to all that. Definitely an investment for years. You are welcome.

  • I love your post and the product! Icing can be so beneficial, but the rigid packaging of ice packs makes it difficult to get maximum ice pack coverage. I am a huge proponent of icing for inflammation and use this strategy on a regular basis for myself. I am both a horse trainer and personal trainer who is very physically active. This means for me that I push my body to the limits needing to incorporate recuperative strategies that allow me to keep going without the use of NSAIDs. Icing has been an incredibly beneficial tool in my arsenal!

    • Hi Stacy,

      All too often an ice pack can pick and poke at your back. Rough edges, rough texture, and not including the water dripping. And when it dries, a mess. Cold gel packs like the FlexiKold solve these issues. Nice. I bet, it sounds like you are twisting, and turning into different directions. I’m happy you ice instead of using drugs. A life without NSAIDs is definitely possible! Thank you.

  • A great review you have done on the FlexiKold Product. When I first looked into this product, I thought it would be a waste of money. I could just use a bag of frozen peas! But after reading your review, I realize this is an excellent product, especially for the price.

    Also, The short video at the end was great with explaining your product

    • Hi Clyde,

      I was right there with you at one point. I was very old school minded, using regular ice, until I found that the cost outweighs the disadvantages of a regular ice pack. With the help of colleagues, and close friends It made an influence in my decision. Used the peas and they can be a heckle right? Then you need to eat, and they are gone. The Flexikold is cost efficient, and a great opportunity cost at best. I appreciate it, thank you!

  • Interesting product! I have had a bad lower back for years. I have used a few pads and they were messy and uncomfortable. Maybe the FlexiKold would help me. My old pack sweats, so I need to put a towel under the pack so I don’t get the sofa wet. My pack is as hard as ice, too. If the FlexiKold is as flexible as you say, then that would be a definite improvement.

    • Hi Peter,

      Oh really? I know the feeling, I had it for years. On and off. What a pain! Just about all ice packs and pads have one thing in common, they are messy, but more importantly don’t penetrate your inflammation well enough In my opinion. It has more cognitive
      Implications too, irritating receptors. The sweat is the worst, because it might not of been long enough to ice your back for, and in a sunny hot day, its not that good.- I remember icing in soccer games, turned messy. You want to relax the best you can, and that’s a sofa. The Flexikold is as flexible, you can trust me on that. I’d give it a look.

  • Hi Peter,
    Great review, creates excellent understanding of how to use and the benefits of the product. Comprehensive detail in your personal experience with it and the prices. I’ll definitely look out for it if I’m ever in need.



    • Hi Andrew,

      I wanted to make sure people had the best knowledge like I’ve been able to receive. I appreciate your comment. Give it a look whenever you do, you will not be disappointed with a FlexiKold in hand.

  • What a great product. having suffered from low back pain for a number of years now, I admit that I have tried just about every pain relief invented. This looks different. I like the reusable part of the pack, and the ease at which it can be applied. Does this require a towel or similar to protect against cold burn? I have tried other gel packs that left a slight burn fro the cold, and would want to avoid that in the future.

    • Hi Brad,

      I was at the same point, tried just about it all, with no clear answers. Its different in regards to how cold it can get, and the great design. I would recommend putting a piece of fabric over it like a towel, because it can get really cold when it comes out from a cold compartment. To less likely prevent it without fabric, you can set it out for 10 minutes in a controlled temperature(at 22, average) and let it get a little warm. Then apply the FlexiKold for 5 minutes less than what you are used to, so like 10 minutes instead of 15. The key is to ice, then take a break, and then back on again.

  • Thank you for the Flexikold Gel Cold Pack review. I work for a behavior treatment program and many times I would come home and be sore from the day. I find this cold pack to be better than many I have tried in the past. It would seriously be something to consider.

    • You’re welcome. Oh yeah? You probably feel a lot of wear on your back. Hard work has no rest right? I like it a lot. I found the Flexikold to work way better than anything else I’ve tried this far. It’s an all in one. I have to lift things at work right now, and it can get heavy, sometimes a spasm or sore spot occurs. This helps quite well.

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