Hello and welcome to Remove Back Pain.
Since 2013, I’ve been helping people with their lower back pain manage it and eventually remove it…
and since 2017, Remove Back Pain has been able to help thousands of people from all around the world get long-lasting relief from Lower Back Pain to Sciatica. What makes us different than anything you’ve come across in the past?
A Little About Who I Am
I’ve been told for most of my life that I have to put others first and to help those who really can benefit from what my experience has to offer.
After seeing myself, many of my family members and friends suffering with severe chronic back pain, that was the day I dedicate my life to helping myself so I could help out others.
Before I got to where I am today, I was a Division 1 Collegiate soccer athlete who had a bad injury one night, and I didn’t realize until the day after that I had a herniated disc with a bulging disc.
Not getting too far ahead(you can learn more about my story on my about me page), I went through too much trial and error, and I was caught in the wrath of Painkillers. Physical therapy, doctor visits, and one conservative treatment after the other, really never going anywhere.
Now Long story short, I’m reconnected with the reality I so desperately needed to make a change for.
A BackStory With Tremendous Value
Throughout my early teens, I was playing aggressive competitive sports, and it was then, in the years of 15-21 when I started experiencing muscle aches, strains, and sprains, and joint problems like a bomb had dropped.
It wasn’t until my early twenties that I remember having multiple muscle spasms, from acute pain that then not taking care of myself well led me into chronic lower back pain. First I landed on non-specific pain- in other words, it was unrelated to my lumbar spine.
I tried to exercise through my pain, and I even tried unorthodox treatments like cutting out carbs, which I later found out the hard way was not the answer. Through trial and error, I threw out the wrongs filled them in with the rights, and started tackling the most concerning issue – the root of the cause…Inflammation!
My hips, hamstrings were the corporate of it. A couple days after, I started my own specialized treatment plan given to me by my physical therapist. I worked around the pain with exercising, and things like working on my posture to improve my mobility.
It wasn’t until 21 when I experienced the true dealing if chronic lower back pain. I already had scoliosis, and to top that off, disc problems emerged. It’s not why, but how…
I clashed against the ground after a football match, and it led from pain I was dealing with before to even more of a dilemma. Now I’ll drop the big Why bomb. Why did I go out of my way to play aggressive sports again right?
I went through multiple treatments, tons of repeat of trial and error, shifting from one year after the next without results to show for. Maybe that had to do with my being ignorant at the time.
And before I knew it, I was making routine and multiple visits to my doctor, physical therapist, and chiropractor. Yes, it was helpful, but after 4 months, boy was I emptying my pockets. It was expensive!
“But like with every valley, there is a peak, and I started peaking”
It was until I started listening to a podcast about yoga, that It changed my mindset. At this time, I was seeing my physical therapist, and after about 3 days of this podcast, I was on my own, happily exercising to get my strength and flexibility back, weight management under control, use natural remedies, and transformed my cognitive techniques.
One simple podcast as I was sitting my bum on the couch did all that, amazing right?
Nothing at first came easy:
I had to work on every aspect of keeping my back in tip top shape. But with the right steps, and treatments I used, that helped pile on the aftermath- a better lifestyle.
Every day began like a bright light casting over my bedroom window. I woke up with no amount of desire for a single drop of drug use. And Every time I encountered a situation, I figured out how to prevent the pain from appearing.
Why Am I Here To Help You? And Why We’re Different
It’s easy to talk the talk, but can you walk the talk is more so the question. In my years of helping people with back pain, I’ve learned more about myself than just looking at the reflection of myself in the mirror could do. My people I help, reveal to me who I exactly am-Raw Feeling.
Over the years there have been many online institutions, and people practicing their “content based work” to help you not only understand, but find ways of managing your lower back pain. So what makes me a better candidate than my fellow prodecessors?
Simple, I mirror a similar feel with the content I produce:
- I help you understand
- Manage your pain
- Find solutions
…But what I do does takes this a step beyond. I focus on making sure you not understand your pain, but make sure that you are getting every imaginable diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment options available…
And when I’m talking about treatment options, I don’t just mean the regular “Drug use”, “a mundane response to “make sure you’re stretching like this” or something along the lines with “it’s so medical I don’t understand what the heck they’re saying”!
Although we do come off in that tone, it’s only for a brief stint, and not because we don’t always address in a medical tone, doesn’t mean we don’t know what we’re talking about. The thing about us is that we show and tell you all the right and better treatments you can take. For example:
When one site(not throwing names under the bus) say to take more of X and Y drug, I tell you: “Yeah that’s what you might need now, but have you considered your options away from harmful medication, like:
- Essential Oils?
- Herbs?
- CBD oil?
- Ergonomics?
Roughly, that’s what this response and many others can be. If it’s exercising, eating healthy foods, and changing mental habits, it would look similar, and I would be showing you in video, words, or images of myself, and what proven tracks to follow.
It’s time for someone to step up and show you the right path, and not just old, straight forward response.
The Obstacles Ahead:
I want you to overcome any obstacles you’re going through much smoother and efficiently by getting through the challenges much sooner than I ever did. The years of experience, and credited information I have attained would be too much to throw to waste. If my experiences and expertise can help others, I’m all in, 110%, no if and or but!
Whether you have the smallest, or large amount of lower back pain- for the years ahead of you, there’s an end game…seriously. just here me out.
We all suffer with lower back pain at least once in our lives, and everyone has a different situation. That’s why I’m here to get the best out of whichever part of the process you are struggling with. Although my mission is to help eliminate unnecessary back pain all throughout the world, you can also learn about other forms of healthy living, weight management, and much more to add to your treatment.
You might be looking for a quick short term relief, or a long term treatment, and with either one, you’ll be sure to find what you are looking for here at Remove Back Pain. How can I guarantee that? With 5 words:
The Remove Back Pain System
The only one of its kind that will flush out all your worries of pain, and dose you with a new image. Let’s learn more about it more next.
How To Get The Most Out From Our Website
We are a leading organization that not only teaches you how to eliminate Lower Back Pain, but also provides you with effective and affordable solutions. You will find the information we provide far easier to understand, and important than most, and if not at all, other lower back pain related websites.
To add on, our site differentiates itself from the pack because we create what I like to call a “healing funnel” for your specific pain, starting from point A, to point B, to point C and so forth. At the bottom of each blog post, you’ll be asked if you want to be taken to the next article. You’ll get a step-by-step breakdown at any stage of pain you’re in. How far you go is up to you and how you’re feeling (depending on how far you need to optimize for your success).
Our site was founded on a few core principles.
We believe in treating the root of the cause of your pain, not treating just the symptoms.
We provide step-by-step procedures for your own type of lower back pain through the one and only Remove Back Pain System, and I off my products, such as Pain relief creams, muscle and joint relaxers, cold and hot therapy, natural remedies, cushions, back braces, electrical devices, and massagers. All of these which I’ve tested, and can say they can be a true necessity.
I’ve broken my system down into what I call 4 categories of relief, Natural Remedies, Exercise, Cognitive Thinking, and Healing Foods.
So If you’re dealing with chronic lower back pain and Sciatica, and you’re serious about your health and wellness; you’ll absolutely thrive! You will not fall short your lower back pain treatment. We’re not another site that wants to throw you with products or useless methods in your face. Rather, we actually your health extremely serious, that we can help get your bounce back without them. But I understand we are not all built to do that, and certain products will help pave the way. I’m an example of it.
In addition to the lessons and blog post, I’m bringing separate elements to the mix:
- Extra learning. With my chemistry/mathematical studies, I’ll be soon giving you my insight into how that ties into lower back pain. It’s more of a curiosity if anything, and so if you feel like giving these post a look, please feel free to.
- Courses. date driven and expert step-by-step processes
- Forums. Anything lower back pain, and back pain related discussions, 24/7 help.
- Videos. All back pain related special video integration.
- Donations. 10% of our proceedings by the end of 2019 will go to The American Chronic Pain Association
- 1 on 1 coaching. Through our email-generated system and 24/7 around-the-clock service, we will be able to help in any way, and at any time.
I believe in giving back to my community, and to everyone else in our world, and that’s a promise I will make. If you make a purchase through our site, we’ll send you a great thank you gift, and by the end of the next calendar year, I will personally place a video of myself expressing the completion of our donation.
There’s one cringing issue worldwide, and that’s the use of painkillers. Our current medicine and pharmaceutical system is so far behind the use of more modern methods, that it has even doctors failing to see. Painkillers such as Opioids, NSAID’s and the ineffective Acetaminophen are not only being used for too long, but have become addictive! Did you know that painkillers with limited effect are routinely prescribed? Enough is enough, and its time to look in the opposite direction. For whether you use drugs in the short term or the long term, there’s finally a way to remove them, and be able to put you in control.
Introducing Project CourseX:
I am truly here to help you get back to your best life. My sole purpose is to make sure you are benefiting, and taking control of your health, so you can regain the life given to you before the pain. Take a look around, and if you have any questions, please do let me know. Can’t wait to hear from you.
Thank you for being here today. Also, please joint the Remove Back Pain Support Group Community where we talk about everything back pain, long term fixes, and then some. Here, you’ll get extra support an camaraderie on your journey to removing your back pain.
Michael Granados