
Is Keto Blast A Scam? See The Shocking Claims

By Michael

January 8, 2020

I'm sitting deep into my chair, hands on my keyboard, ready once in for all to tell the you the truth about Keto Blast...want to hear it?

Is Keto Blast A Scam or a magic lose 20LB in a month weight loss pill? I'll cut right to the chase...

It's A SCAM!

Yes, sorry to be the bear of bad news but Keto Blast is nothing more than a pumped up advertising and marketing trap. I'm not surprised you've come looking for a review with all the Keto weight loss diets all around the internet...

And to make matters worse, who can you trust with a proper review? In this review, I "Michael Granados" will be breaking down for you ALL the misleading claims, the hype, and unforgiving shocking secrets behind the Keto Blast diet.

But before I do, If you'd rather see a legit Keto supplement and the best way on reducing belly fat and improving your abs, go HERE.

Keto Blast is another keto diet supplement set of pill that tells you it supports burning fat for energy instead of carbohydrates which will greatly increase your weight loss and energy supply and get this...

That it's been heavily supported by TV Doctor OZ, recently calling Keto Blast the "Holy Grail" of weight loss.  Here have a look for yourself:

keto blast dr oz

Suspicious right? Like anyone could have designed this or payed someone a gig to do it which is how it usually works. Let me show you some more misleading claims:

MISLEADING CLAIM #2: False Scarcity Tactics

I bet you've come across those statements that say something like:

"We're Selling Out Fast, ONLY 5 LEFT!" Well, Keto Blast uses this tactic to bait you in to purchase right away and that's a red flag in this case because of one thing:

  1. There's an endless supply

Yes that's the sad truth, they're likely not running low. It's like when someone tries to get you to join a "live" online webinar when we know it's usually automated.

MISLEADING CLAIM #2: Scammy Promotional Sites

If I could put a dollar in my pocket for every Keto Blast site I saw, I'd be a rich man, but who has the time to see them all when one is enough?

In my research, I found TONS of scammy sites promoting Keto Blast and they all looked the same! Red flag.

keto blast

And another one:

keto blast scam

First a .org and then a .com site? Suspicious! Here's even more shocking news...

When you click on a link or the images, you're redirected to a different keto supplement. It's as if they stopped showing people Keto Blast because they knew they were caught and then decided they'd take advantage of you and I as a searcher to direct us to another one, like it'd be an easy sell.

keto blast scammer

MISLEADING CLAIM #3: False Reviews/Testimonials

Throughout the sites I just showed you and a couple reviews on the web, you can see there is a lack of opinions and credit information. Here's a review I found after scouring the web:

keto blast scam review

Better Business Bureau And Keto Blast

The Better Business Bureau has a track record of finding keto based supplements and other weight loss pills and putting out a pattern of complaints:

better business beauro ketosis

Final Vedict: Keto Blast Is A Scam!

At this point you know that Keto Blast is a scam and there's no point in even going after or trying to find(it's difficult to find the actual site these days)...

So let's move on from it and see what better options you have. I made an in-depth article on How you can reduce belly fat fast and improve your abs with different strategies and techniques, as well I have a better alternative ketone product you can give a look a the bottom of it.

If you'd like to check that article out, click the button below.

Review Date
Reviewed Item
Keto Blast
Product Name
Keto Blast


About the author

Hi My name is Michael Granados, I am of the age of 26 years, and I’m a back pain specialist, enthusiast, and expert. All of us have had or will have lower back pain at least once in our lives, and whether it’s acute or a more chronic condition, you can depend on us here at Remove Back Pain to take great care of you. I ensure you’ll take the right and most appropriate steps for you to heal the safest and most productive way. Get ready for a better lifestyle!

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